#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import math from os.path import basename, dirname, join as joinpath import glob import datetime import traceback import numpy as np ROOT = dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) # Make sure sasmodels is first on the path from . import core from . import kerneldll from . import generate from .data import plot_theory, empty_data1D, empty_data2D from .direct_model import DirectModel from .convert import revert_model, constrain_new_to_old kerneldll.ALLOW_SINGLE_PRECISION_DLLS = True # List of available models MODELS = [basename(f)[:-3] for f in sorted(glob.glob(joinpath(ROOT,"models","[a-zA-Z]*.py")))] # CRUFT python 2.6 if not hasattr(datetime.timedelta, 'total_seconds'): def delay(dt): """Return number date-time delta as number seconds""" return dt.days * 86400 + dt.seconds + 1e-6 * dt.microseconds else: def delay(dt): """Return number date-time delta as number seconds""" return dt.total_seconds() def tic(): """ Timer function. Use "toc=tic()" to start the clock and "toc()" to measure a time interval. """ then = datetime.datetime.now() return lambda: delay(datetime.datetime.now() - then) def set_beam_stop(data, radius, outer=None): """ Add a beam stop of the given *radius*. If *outer*, make an annulus. Note: this function does not use the sasview package """ if hasattr(data, 'qx_data'): q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) data.mask = (q < radius) if outer is not None: data.mask |= (q >= outer) else: data.mask = (data.x < radius) if outer is not None: data.mask |= (data.x >= outer) def parameter_range(p, v): """ Choose a parameter range based on parameter name and initial value. """ if p.endswith('_pd_n'): return [0, 100] elif p.endswith('_pd_nsigma'): return [0, 5] elif p.endswith('_pd_type'): return v elif any(s in p for s in ('theta','phi','psi')): # orientation in [-180,180], orientation pd in [0,45] if p.endswith('_pd'): return [0,45] else: return [-180, 180] elif 'sld' in p: return [-0.5, 10] elif p.endswith('_pd'): return [0, 1] elif p in ['background', 'scale']: return [0, 1e3] else: return [0, (2*v if v>0 else 1)] def _randomize_one(p, v): """ Randomizing parameter. """ if any(p.endswith(s) for s in ('_pd_n','_pd_nsigma','_pd_type')): return v else: return np.random.uniform(*parameter_range(p, v)) def randomize_pars(pars, seed=None): np.random.seed(seed) # Note: the sort guarantees order `of calls to random number generator pars = dict((p,_randomize_one(p,v)) for p,v in sorted(pars.items())) return pars def constrain_pars(model_definition, pars): """ Restrict parameters to valid values. """ name = model_definition.name if name == 'capped_cylinder' and pars['cap_radius'] < pars['radius']: pars['radius'],pars['cap_radius'] = pars['cap_radius'],pars['radius'] if name == 'barbell' and pars['bell_radius'] < pars['radius']: pars['radius'],pars['bell_radius'] = pars['bell_radius'],pars['radius'] # Limit guinier to an Rg such that Iq > 1e-30 (single precision cutoff) if name == 'guinier': #q_max = 0.2 # mid q maximum q_max = 1.0 # high q maximum rg_max = np.sqrt(90*np.log(10) + 3*np.log(pars['scale']))/q_max pars['rg'] = min(pars['rg'],rg_max) def parlist(pars): return "\n".join("%s: %s"%(p,v) for p,v in sorted(pars.items())) def suppress_pd(pars): """ Suppress theta_pd for now until the normalization is resolved. May also suppress complete polydispersity of the model to test models more quickly. """ pars = pars.copy() for p in pars: if p.endswith("_pd"): pars[p] = 0 return pars def eval_sasview(model_definition, data): # importing sas here so that the error message will be that sas failed to # import rather than the more obscure smear_selection not imported error import sas from sas.models.qsmearing import smear_selection # convert model parameters from sasmodel form to sasview form #print("old",sorted(pars.items())) modelname, pars = revert_model(model_definition, {}) #print("new",sorted(pars.items())) sas = __import__('sas.models.'+modelname) ModelClass = getattr(getattr(sas.models,modelname,None),modelname,None) if ModelClass is None: raise ValueError("could not find model %r in sas.models"%modelname) model = ModelClass() smearer = smear_selection(data, model=model) if hasattr(data, 'qx_data'): q = np.sqrt(data.qx_data**2 + data.qy_data**2) index = ((~data.mask) & (~np.isnan(data.data)) & (q >= data.qmin) & (q <= data.qmax)) if smearer is not None: smearer.model = model # because smear_selection has a bug smearer.accuracy = data.accuracy smearer.set_index(index) theory = lambda: smearer.get_value() else: theory = lambda: model.evalDistribution([data.qx_data[index], data.qy_data[index]]) elif smearer is not None: theory = lambda: smearer(model.evalDistribution(data.x)) else: theory = lambda: model.evalDistribution(data.x) def calculator(**pars): # paying for parameter conversion each time to keep life simple, if not fast _, pars = revert_model(model_definition, pars) for k,v in pars.items(): parts = k.split('.') # polydispersity components if len(parts) == 2: model.dispersion[parts[0]][parts[1]] = v else: model.setParam(k, v) return theory() calculator.engine = "sasview" return calculator DTYPE_MAP = { 'half': '16', 'fast': 'fast', 'single': '32', 'double': '64', 'quad': '128', 'f16': '16', 'f32': '32', 'f64': '64', 'longdouble': '128', } def eval_opencl(model_definition, data, dtype='single', cutoff=0.): try: model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="ocl") except Exception as exc: print(exc) print("... trying again with single precision") dtype = 'single' model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="ocl") calculator = DirectModel(data, model, cutoff=cutoff) calculator.engine = "OCL%s"%DTYPE_MAP[dtype] return calculator def eval_ctypes(model_definition, data, dtype='double', cutoff=0.): if dtype=='quad': dtype = 'longdouble' model = core.load_model(model_definition, dtype=dtype, platform="dll") calculator = DirectModel(data, model, cutoff=cutoff) calculator.engine = "OMP%s"%DTYPE_MAP[dtype] return calculator def time_calculation(calculator, pars, Nevals=1): # initialize the code so time is more accurate value = calculator(**suppress_pd(pars)) toc = tic() for _ in range(max(Nevals, 1)): # make sure there is at least one eval value = calculator(**pars) average_time = toc()*1000./Nevals return value, average_time def make_data(opts): qmax, nq, res = opts['qmax'], opts['nq'], opts['res'] if opts['is2d']: data = empty_data2D(np.linspace(-qmax, qmax, nq), resolution=res) data.accuracy = opts['accuracy'] set_beam_stop(data, 0.004) index = ~data.mask else: if opts['view'] == 'log': qmax = math.log10(qmax) q = np.logspace(qmax-3, qmax, nq) else: q = np.linspace(0.001*qmax, qmax, nq) data = empty_data1D(q, resolution=res) index = slice(None, None) return data, index def make_engine(model_definition, data, dtype, cutoff): if dtype == 'sasview': return eval_sasview(model_definition, data) elif dtype.endswith('!'): return eval_ctypes(model_definition, data, dtype=dtype[:-1], cutoff=cutoff) else: return eval_opencl(model_definition, data, dtype=dtype, cutoff=cutoff) def compare(opts, limits=None): Nbase, Ncomp = opts['N1'], opts['N2'] pars = opts['pars'] data = opts['data'] # Base calculation if Nbase > 0: base = opts['engines'][0] try: base_value, base_time = time_calculation(base, pars, Nbase) print("%s t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(base.engine, base_time, sum(base_value))) except ImportError: traceback.print_exc() Nbase = 0 # Comparison calculation if Ncomp > 0: comp = opts['engines'][1] try: comp_value, comp_time = time_calculation(comp, pars, Ncomp) print("%s t=%.1f ms, intensity=%.0f"%(comp.engine, comp_time, sum(comp_value))) except ImportError: traceback.print_exc() Ncomp = 0 # Compare, but only if computing both forms if Nbase > 0 and Ncomp > 0: #print("speedup %.2g"%(comp_time/base_time)) #print("max |base/comp|", max(abs(base_value/comp_value)), "%.15g"%max(abs(base_value)), "%.15g"%max(abs(comp_value))) #comp *= max(base_value/comp_value) resid = (base_value - comp_value) relerr = resid/comp_value _print_stats("|%s - %s|"%(base.engine,comp.engine)+(" "*(3+len(comp.engine))), resid) _print_stats("|(%s - %s) / %s|"%(base.engine,comp.engine,comp.engine), relerr) # Plot if requested if not opts['plot'] and not opts['explore']: return view = opts['view'] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if limits is None: vmin, vmax = np.Inf, -np.Inf if Nbase > 0: vmin = min(vmin, min(base_value)) vmax = max(vmax, max(base_value)) if Ncomp > 0: vmin = min(vmin, min(comp_value)) vmax = max(vmax, max(comp_value)) limits = vmin, vmax if Nbase > 0: if Ncomp > 0: plt.subplot(131) plot_theory(data, base_value, view=view, plot_data=False, limits=limits) plt.title("%s t=%.1f ms"%(base.engine, base_time)) #cbar_title = "log I" if Ncomp > 0: if Nbase > 0: plt.subplot(132) plot_theory(data, comp_value, view=view, plot_data=False, limits=limits) plt.title("%s t=%.1f ms"%(comp.engine,comp_time)) #cbar_title = "log I" if Ncomp > 0 and Nbase > 0: plt.subplot(133) if '-abs' in opts: err,errstr,errview = resid, "abs err", "linear" else: err,errstr,errview = abs(relerr), "rel err", "log" #err,errstr = base/comp,"ratio" plot_theory(data, None, resid=err, view=errview, plot_data=False) plt.title("max %s = %.3g"%(errstr, max(abs(err)))) #cbar_title = errstr if errview=="linear" else "log "+errstr #if is2D: # h = plt.colorbar() # h.ax.set_title(cbar_title) if Ncomp > 0 and Nbase > 0 and '-hist' in opts: plt.figure() v = relerr v[v==0] = 0.5*np.min(np.abs(v[v!=0])) plt.hist(np.log10(np.abs(v)), normed=1, bins=50); plt.xlabel('log10(err), err = |(%s - %s) / %s|'%(base.engine, comp.engine, comp.engine)); plt.ylabel('P(err)') plt.title('Distribution of relative error between calculation engines') if not opts['explore']: plt.show() return limits def _print_stats(label, err): sorted_err = np.sort(abs(err)) p50 = int((len(err)-1)*0.50) p98 = int((len(err)-1)*0.98) data = [ "max:%.3e"%sorted_err[-1], "median:%.3e"%sorted_err[p50], "98%%:%.3e"%sorted_err[p98], "rms:%.3e"%np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2)), "zero-offset:%+.3e"%np.mean(err), ] print(label+" ".join(data)) # =========================================================================== # USAGE=""" usage: compare.py model N1 N2 [options...] [key=val] Compare the speed and value for a model between the SasView original and the sasmodels rewrite. model is the name of the model to compare (see below). N1 is the number of times to run sasmodels (default=1). N2 is the number times to run sasview (default=1). Options (* for default): -plot*/-noplot plots or suppress the plot of the model -lowq*/-midq/-highq/-exq use q values up to 0.05, 0.2, 1.0, 10.0 -nq=128 sets the number of Q points in the data set -1d*/-2d computes 1d or 2d data -preset*/-random[=seed] preset or random parameters -mono/-poly* force monodisperse/polydisperse -cutoff=1e-5* cutoff value for including a point in polydispersity -pars/-nopars* prints the parameter set or not -abs/-rel* plot relative or absolute error -linear/-log*/-q4 intensity scaling -hist/-nohist* plot histogram of relative error -res=0 sets the resolution width dQ/Q if calculating with resolution -accuracy=Low accuracy of the resolution calculation Low, Mid, High, Xhigh -edit starts the parameter explorer Any two calculation engines can be selected for comparison: -single/-double/-half/-fast sets an OpenCL calculation engine -single!/-double!/-quad! sets an OpenMP calculation engine -sasview sets the sasview calculation engine The default is -single -sasview. Note that the interpretation of quad precision depends on architecture, and may vary from 64-bit to 128-bit, with 80-bit floats being common (1e-19 precision). Key=value pairs allow you to set specific values for the model parameters. Available models: """ NAME_OPTIONS = set([ 'plot', 'noplot', 'half', 'fast', 'single', 'double', 'single!', 'double!', 'quad!', 'sasview', 'lowq', 'midq', 'highq', 'exq', '2d', '1d', 'preset', 'random', 'poly', 'mono', 'nopars', 'pars', 'rel', 'abs', 'linear', 'log', 'q4', 'hist', 'nohist', 'edit', ]) VALUE_OPTIONS = [ # Note: random is both a name option and a value option 'cutoff', 'random', 'nq', 'res', 'accuracy', ] def columnize(L, indent="", width=79): column_width = max(len(w) for w in L) + 1 num_columns = (width - len(indent)) // column_width num_rows = len(L) // num_columns L = L + [""] * (num_rows*num_columns - len(L)) columns = [L[k*num_rows:(k+1)*num_rows] for k in range(num_columns)] lines = [" ".join("%-*s"%(column_width, entry) for entry in row) for row in zip(*columns)] output = indent + ("\n"+indent).join(lines) return output def get_demo_pars(model_definition): info = generate.make_info(model_definition) # Get the default values for the parameters pars = dict((p[0],p[2]) for p in info['parameters']) # Fill in default values for the polydispersity parameters for p in info['parameters']: if p[4] in ('volume', 'orientation'): pars[p[0]+'_pd'] = 0.0 pars[p[0]+'_pd_n'] = 0 pars[p[0]+'_pd_nsigma'] = 3.0 pars[p[0]+'_pd_type'] = "gaussian" # Plug in values given in demo pars.update(info['demo']) return pars def parse_opts(): flags = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg.startswith('-')] values = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if not arg.startswith('-') and '=' in arg] args = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if not arg.startswith('-') and '=' not in arg] models = "\n ".join("%-15s"%v for v in MODELS) if len(args) == 0: print(USAGE) print(columnize(MODELS, indent=" ")) sys.exit(1) if args[0] not in MODELS: print("Model %r not available. Use one of:\n %s"%(args[0],models)) sys.exit(1) if len(args) > 3: print("expected parameters: model Nopencl Nsasview") invalid = [o[1:] for o in flags if o[1:] not in NAME_OPTIONS and not any(o.startswith('-%s='%t) for t in VALUE_OPTIONS)] if invalid: print("Invalid options: %s"%(", ".join(invalid))) sys.exit(1) # Interpret the flags opts = { 'plot' : True, 'view' : 'log', 'is2d' : False, 'qmax' : 0.05, 'nq' : 128, 'res' : 0.0, 'accuracy' : 'Low', 'cutoff' : 1e-5, 'seed' : -1, # default to preset 'mono' : False, 'show_pars' : False, 'show_hist' : False, 'rel_err' : True, 'explore' : False, } engines = [] for arg in flags: if arg == '-noplot': opts['plot'] = False elif arg == '-plot': opts['plot'] = True elif arg == '-linear': opts['view'] = 'linear' elif arg == '-log': opts['view'] = 'log' elif arg == '-q4': opts['view'] = 'q4' elif arg == '-1d': opts['is2d'] = False elif arg == '-2d': opts['is2d'] = True elif arg == '-exq': opts['qmax'] = 10.0 elif arg == '-highq': opts['qmax'] = 1.0 elif arg == '-midq': opts['qmax'] = 0.2 elif arg == '-loq': opts['qmax'] = 0.05 elif arg.startswith('-nq='): opts['nq'] = int(arg[4:]) elif arg.startswith('-res='): opts['res'] = float(arg[5:]) elif arg.startswith('-accuracy='): opts['accuracy'] = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-cutoff='): opts['cutoff'] = float(arg[8:]) elif arg.startswith('-random='): opts['seed'] = int(arg[8:]) elif arg == '-random': opts['seed'] = np.random.randint(1e6) elif arg == '-preset': opts['seed'] = -1 elif arg == '-mono': opts['mono'] = True elif arg == '-poly': opts['mono'] = False elif arg == '-pars': opts['show_pars'] = True elif arg == '-nopars': opts['show_pars'] = False elif arg == '-hist': opts['show_hist'] = True elif arg == '-nohist': opts['show_hist'] = False elif arg == '-rel': opts['rel_err'] = True elif arg == '-abs': opts['rel_err'] = False elif arg == '-half': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-fast': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-single': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-double': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-single!': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-double!': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-quad!': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-sasview': engines.append(arg[1:]) elif arg == '-edit': opts['explore'] = True if len(engines) == 0: engines.extend(['single','sasview']) elif len(engines) == 1: if engines[0][0] != 'sasview': engines.append('sasview') else: engines.append('single') elif len(engines) > 2: del engines[2:] name = args[0] model_definition = core.load_model_definition(name) N1 = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 else 1 N2 = int(args[2]) if len(args) > 2 else 1 # Get demo parameters from model definition, or use default parameters # if model does not define demo parameters pars = get_demo_pars(model_definition) # Fill in parameters given on the command line presets = {} for arg in values: k,v = arg.split('=',1) if k not in pars: # extract base name without polydispersity info s = set(p.split('_pd')[0] for p in pars) print("%r invalid; parameters are: %s"%(k,", ".join(sorted(s)))) sys.exit(1) presets[k] = float(v) if not k.endswith('type') else v # randomize parameters #pars.update(set_pars) # set value before random to control range if opts['seed'] > -1: pars = randomize_pars(pars, seed=opts['seed']) print("Randomize using -random=%i"%opts['seed']) pars.update(presets) # set value after random to control value constrain_pars(model_definition, pars) constrain_new_to_old(model_definition, pars) if opts['mono']: pars = suppress_pd(pars) if opts['show_pars']: print("pars " + str(parlist(pars))) # Create the computational engines data, _index = make_data(opts) if N1: base = make_engine(model_definition, data, engines[0], opts['cutoff']) else: base = None if N2: comp = make_engine(model_definition, data, engines[1], opts['cutoff']) else: comp = None # Remember it all opts.update({ 'name' : name, 'def' : model_definition, 'N1' : N1, 'N2' : N2, 'presets' : presets, 'pars' : pars, 'data' : data, 'engines' : [base, comp], }) return opts def main(): opts = parse_opts() if opts['explore']: explore(opts) else: compare(opts) def explore(opts): import wx from bumps.names import FitProblem from bumps.gui.app_frame import AppFrame problem = FitProblem(Explore(opts)) isMac = "cocoa" in wx.version() app = wx.App() frame = AppFrame(parent=None, title="explore") if not isMac: frame.Show() frame.panel.set_model(model=problem) frame.panel.Layout() frame.panel.aui.Split(0, wx.TOP) if isMac: frame.Show() app.MainLoop() class Explore(object): """ Return a bumps wrapper for a SAS model comparison. """ def __init__(self, opts): from bumps.cli import config_matplotlib import bumps_model config_matplotlib() self.opts = opts info = generate.make_info(opts['def']) pars, pd_types = bumps_model.create_parameters(info, **opts['pars']) if not opts['is2d']: active = [base + ext for base in info['partype']['pd-1d'] for ext in ['','_pd','_pd_n','_pd_nsigma']] active.extend(info['partype']['fixed-1d']) for k in active: v = pars[k] v.range(*parameter_range(k, v.value)) else: for k, v in pars.items(): v.range(*parameter_range(k, v.value)) self.pars = pars self.pd_types = pd_types self.limits = None def numpoints(self): """ Return the number of points """ return len(self.pars) + 1 # so dof is 1 def parameters(self): """ Return a dictionary of parameters """ return self.pars def nllf(self): return 0. # No nllf def plot(self, view='log'): """ Plot the data and residuals. """ pars = dict((k, v.value) for k,v in self.pars.items()) pars.update(self.pd_types) self.opts['pars'] = pars limits = compare(self.opts, limits=self.limits) if self.limits is None: vmin, vmax = limits vmax = 1.3*vmax vmin = vmax*1e-7 self.limits = vmin, vmax if __name__ == "__main__": main()