""" Wrap sasmodels for direct use by bumps. :class:`Model` is a wrapper for the sasmodels kernel which defines a bumps *Parameter* box for each kernel parameter. *Model* accepts keyword arguments to set the initial value for each parameter. :class:`Experiment` combines the *Model* function with a data file loaded by the sasview data loader. *Experiment* takes a *cutoff* parameter controlling how far the polydispersity integral extends. """ import warnings import numpy as np from .data import plot_theory from .direct_model import DataMixin __all__ = [ "Model", "Experiment", ] # CRUFT: old style bumps wrapper which doesn't separate data and model # pylint: disable=invalid-name def BumpsModel(data, model, cutoff=1e-5, **kw): r""" Bind a model to data, along with a polydispersity cutoff. *data* is a :class:`data.Data1D`, :class:`data.Data2D` or :class:`data.Sesans` object. Use :func:`data.empty_data1D` or :func:`data.empty_data2D` to define $q, \Delta q$ calculation points for displaying the SANS curve when there is no measured data. *model* is a runnable module as returned from :func:`core.load_model`. *cutoff* is the polydispersity weight cutoff. Any additional *key=value* pairs are model dependent parameters. Returns an :class:`Experiment` object. Note that the usual Bumps semantics is not fully supported, since assigning *M.name = parameter* on the returned experiment object does not set that parameter in the model. Range setting will still work as expected though. .. deprecated:: 0.1 Use :class:`Experiment` instead. """ warnings.warn("Use of BumpsModel is deprecated. Use bumps_model.Experiment instead.") # Create the model and experiment model = Model(model, **kw) experiment = Experiment(data=data, model=model, cutoff=cutoff) # Copy the model parameters up to the experiment object. for k, v in model.parameters().items(): setattr(experiment, k, v) return experiment def create_parameters(model_info, **kwargs): """ Generate Bumps parameters from the model info. *model_info* is returned from :func:`generate.model_info` on the model definition module. Any additional *key=value* pairs are initial values for the parameters to the models. Uninitialized parameters will use the model default value. Returns a dictionary of *{name: Parameter}* containing the bumps parameters for each model parameter, and a dictionary of *{name: str}* containing the polydispersity distribution types. """ # lazy import; this allows the doc builder and nosetests to run even # when bumps is not on the path. from bumps.names import Parameter pars = {} for p in model_info['parameters']: value = kwargs.pop(p.name, p.default) pars[p.name] = Parameter.default(value, name=p.name, limits=p.limits) for name in model_info['partype']['pd-2d']: for xpart, xdefault, xlimits in [ ('_pd', 0., pars[name].limits), ('_pd_n', 35., (0, 1000)), ('_pd_nsigma', 3., (0, 10)), ]: xname = name + xpart xvalue = kwargs.pop(xname, xdefault) pars[xname] = Parameter.default(xvalue, name=xname, limits=xlimits) pd_types = {} for name in model_info['partype']['pd-2d']: xname = name + '_pd_type' xvalue = kwargs.pop(xname, 'gaussian') pd_types[xname] = xvalue if kwargs: # args not corresponding to parameters raise TypeError("unexpected parameters: %s" % (", ".join(sorted(kwargs.keys())))) return pars, pd_types class Model(object): """ Bumps wrapper for a SAS model. *model* is a runnable module as returned from :func:`core.load_model`. *cutoff* is the polydispersity weight cutoff. Any additional *key=value* pairs are model dependent parameters. """ def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self._sasmodel = model pars, pd_types = create_parameters(model.info, **kwargs) for k, v in pars.items(): setattr(self, k, v) for k, v in pd_types.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self._parameter_names = list(pars.keys()) self._pd_type_names = list(pd_types.keys()) def parameters(self): """ Return a dictionary of parameters objects for the parameters, excluding polydispersity distribution type. """ return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._parameter_names) def state(self): """ Return a dictionary of current values for all the parameters, including polydispersity distribution type. """ pars = dict((k, getattr(self, k).value) for k in self._parameter_names) pars.update((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._pd_type_names) return pars class Experiment(DataMixin): r""" Bumps wrapper for a SAS experiment. *data* is a :class:`data.Data1D`, :class:`data.Data2D` or :class:`data.Sesans` object. Use :func:`data.empty_data1D` or :func:`data.empty_data2D` to define $q, \Delta q$ calculation points for displaying the SANS curve when there is no measured data. *model* is a :class:`Model` object. *cutoff* is the integration cutoff, which avoids computing the the SAS model where the polydispersity weight is low. The resulting model can be used directly in a Bumps FitProblem call. """ def __init__(self, data, model, cutoff=1e-5): # remember inputs so we can inspect from outside self.model = model self.cutoff = cutoff self._interpret_data(data, model._sasmodel) self.update() def update(self): """ Call when model parameters have changed and theory needs to be recalculated. """ self._cache = {} def numpoints(self): """ Return the number of data points """ return len(self.Iq) def parameters(self): """ Return a dictionary of parameters """ return self.model.parameters() def theory(self): """ Return the theory corresponding to the model parameters. This method uses lazy evaluation, and requires model.update() to be called when the parameters have changed. """ if 'theory' not in self._cache: pars = self.model.state() self._cache['theory'] = self._calc_theory(pars, cutoff=self.cutoff) return self._cache['theory'] def residuals(self): """ Return theory minus data normalized by uncertainty. """ #if np.any(self.err ==0): print("zeros in err") return (self.theory() - self.Iq) / self.dIq def nllf(self): """ Return the negative log likelihood of seeing data given the model parameters, up to a normalizing constant which depends on the data uncertainty. """ delta = self.residuals() #if np.any(np.isnan(R)): print("NaN in residuals") return 0.5 * np.sum(delta ** 2) #def __call__(self): # return 2 * self.nllf() / self.dof def plot(self, view='log'): """ Plot the data and residuals. """ data, theory, resid = self._data, self.theory(), self.residuals() plot_theory(data, theory, resid, view) def simulate_data(self, noise=None): """ Generate simulated data. """ Iq = self.theory() self._set_data(Iq, noise) def save(self, basename): """ Save the model parameters and data into a file. Not Implemented. """ pass def __getstate__(self): # Can't pickle gpu functions, so instead make them lazy state = self.__dict__.copy() state['_kernel'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.__dict__ = state