from __future__ import division, print_function import time from copy import copy import numpy as np from numpy import pi, radians, sin, cos, sqrt from numpy.random import poisson, uniform from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss from scipy.integrate import simps from scipy.special import j1 as J1 # Definition of rotation matrices comes from wikipedia: # def Rx(angle): """Construct a matrix to rotate points about *x* by *angle* degrees.""" a = radians(angle) R = [[1, 0, 0], [0, +cos(a), -sin(a)], [0, +sin(a), +cos(a)]] return np.matrix(R) def Ry(angle): """Construct a matrix to rotate points about *y* by *angle* degrees.""" a = radians(angle) R = [[+cos(a), 0, +sin(a)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(a), 0, +cos(a)]] return np.matrix(R) def Rz(angle): """Construct a matrix to rotate points about *z* by *angle* degrees.""" a = radians(angle) R = [[+cos(a), -sin(a), 0], [+sin(a), +cos(a), 0], [0, 0, 1]] return np.matrix(R) def rotation(theta, phi, psi): """ Apply the jitter transform to a set of points. Points are stored in a 3 x n numpy matrix, not a numpy array or tuple. """ return Rx(phi)*Ry(theta)*Rz(psi) class Shape: rotation = np.matrix([[1., 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) center = np.array([0., 0., 0.])[:, None] r_max = None def volume(self): # type: () -> float raise NotImplementedError() def sample(self, density): # type: (float) -> np.ndarray[N], np.ndarray[N, 3] raise NotImplementedError() def rotate(self, theta, phi, psi): self.rotation = rotation(theta, phi, psi) * self.rotation return self def shift(self, x, y, z): = + np.array([x, y, z])[:, None] return self def _adjust(self, points): points = np.asarray(self.rotation * np.matrix(points.T)) + return points.T def r_bins(self, q, over_sampling=1, r_step=0.): r_max = min(2 * pi / q[0], self.r_max) if r_step == 0.: r_step = 2 * pi / q[-1] / over_sampling #r_step = 0.01 return np.arange(r_step, r_max, r_step) class Composite(Shape): def __init__(self, shapes, center=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0)): self.shapes = shapes self.rotate(*orientation) self.shift(*center) # Find the worst case distance between any two points amongst a set # of shapes independent of orientation. This could easily be a # factor of two worse than necessary, e.g., a pair of thin rods # end-to-end vs the same pair side-by-side. distances = [((s1.r_max + s2.r_max)/2 + sqrt(np.sum(( -**2))) for s1 in shapes for s2 in shapes] self.r_max = max(distances + [s.r_max for s in shapes]) def volume(self): return sum(shape.volume() for shape in self.shapes) def sample(self, density): values, points = zip(*(shape.sample(density) for shape in self.shapes)) return np.hstack(values), self._adjust(np.vstack(points)) class Box(Shape): def __init__(self, a, b, c, value, center=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0)): self.value = np.asarray(value) self.rotate(*orientation) self.shift(*center) self.a, self.b, self.c = a, b, c self._scale = np.array([a/2, b/2, c/2])[None, :] self.r_max = sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + c**2) def volume(self): return self.a*self.b*self.c def sample(self, density): num_points = poisson(density*self.a*self.b*self.c) points = self._scale*uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_points, 3)) values = self.value.repeat(points.shape[0]) return values, self._adjust(points) class EllipticalCylinder(Shape): def __init__(self, ra, rb, length, value, center=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0)): self.value = np.asarray(value) self.rotate(*orientation) self.shift(*center) self.ra, self.rb, self.length = ra, rb, length self._scale = np.array([ra, rb, length/2])[None, :] self.r_max = sqrt(4*max(ra, rb)**2 + length**2) def volume(self): return pi*self.ra*self.rb*self.length def sample(self, density): # density of the bounding box num_points = poisson(density*4*self.ra*self.rb*self.length) points = uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_points, 3)) radius = points[:, 0]**2 + points[:, 1]**2 points = self._scale*points[radius <= 1] values = self.value.repeat(points.shape[0]) return values, self._adjust(points) class TriaxialEllipsoid(Shape): def __init__(self, ra, rb, rc, value, center=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0)): self.value = np.asarray(value) self.rotate(*orientation) self.shift(*center) self.ra, self.rb, self.rc = ra, rb, rc self._scale = np.array([ra, rb, rc])[None, :] self.r_max = 2*max(ra, rb, rc) def volume(self): return 4*pi/3 * self.ra * self.rb * self.rc def sample(self, density): # randomly sample from a box of side length 2*r, excluding anything # not in the ellipsoid num_points = poisson(density*8*self.ra*self.rb*self.rc) points = uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_points, 3)) radius = np.sum(points**2, axis=1) points = self._scale*points[radius <= 1] values = self.value.repeat(points.shape[0]) return values, self._adjust(points) class Helix(Shape): def __init__(self, helix_radius, helix_pitch, tube_radius, tube_length, value, center=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0)): self.value = np.asarray(value) self.rotate(*orientation) self.shift(*center) self.helix_radius, self.helix_pitch = helix_radius, helix_pitch self.tube_radius, self.tube_length = tube_radius, tube_length helix_length = helix_pitch * tube_length/sqrt(helix_radius**2 + helix_pitch**2) self.r_max = sqrt((2*helix_radius + 2*tube_radius)*2 + (helix_length + 2*tube_radius)**2) def volume(self): # small tube radius approximation; for larger tubes need to account # for the fact that the inner length is much shorter than the outer # length return pi*self.tube_radius**2*self.tube_length def points(self, density): num_points = poisson(density*4*self.tube_radius**2*self.tube_length) points = uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_points, 3)) radius = points[:, 0]**2 + points[:, 1]**2 points = points[radius <= 1] # Based on math stackexchange answer by Jyrki Lahtonen # # with helix along z rather than x [so tuples in answer are (z, x, y)] # and with random points in the cross section (p1, p2) rather than # uniform points on the surface (cos u, sin u). a, R = self.tube_radius, self.helix_radius h = self.helix_pitch scale = 1/sqrt(R**2 + h**2) t = points[:, 3] * (self.tube_length * scale/2) cos_t, sin_t = cos(t), sin(t) # rx = R*cos_t # ry = R*sin_t # rz = h*t # nx = -a * cos_t * points[:, 1] # ny = -a * sin_t * points[:, 1] # nz = 0 # bx = (a * h/scale) * sin_t * points[:, 2] # by = (-a * h/scale) * cos_t * points[:, 2] # bz = a*R/scale # x = rx + nx + bx # y = ry + ny + by # z = rz + nz + bz u, v = (R - a*points[:, 1]), (a * h/scale)*points[:, 2] x = u * cos_t + v * sin_t y = u * sin_t - v * cos_t z = a*R/scale + h * t points = np.hstack((x, y, z)) values = self.value.repeat(points.shape[0]) return values, self._adjust(points) def _calc_Pr_nonuniform(r, rho, points): # Make Pr a little be bigger than necessary so that only distances # min < d < max end up in Pr n_max = len(r)+1 extended_Pr = np.zeros(n_max+1, 'd') # r refers to bin centers; find corresponding bin edges bins = bin_edges(r) t_next = time.clock() + 3 for k, rho_k in enumerate(rho[:-1]): distance = sqrt(np.sum((points[k] - points[k+1:])**2, axis=1)) weights = rho_k * rho[k+1:] index = np.searchsorted(bins, distance) # Note: indices may be duplicated, so "Pr[index] += w" will not work!! extended_Pr += np.bincount(index, weights, n_max+1) t = time.clock() if t > t_next: t_next = t + 3 print("processing %d of %d"%(k, len(rho)-1)) Pr = extended_Pr[1:-1] return Pr / Pr.max() def calc_Pr(r, rho, points): # P(r) with uniform steps in r is 3x faster; check if we are uniform # before continuing if np.max(np.abs(np.diff(r) - r[0])) > r[0]*0.01: return _calc_Pr_nonuniform(r, rho, points) # Make Pr a little be bigger than necessary so that only distances # min < d < max end up in Pr n_max = len(r) extended_Pr = np.zeros(n_max+1, 'd') t0 = time.clock() t_next = t0 + 3 row_zero = np.zeros(len(rho), 'i') for k, rho_k in enumerate(rho[:-1]): distances = sqrt(np.sum((points[k] - points[k+1:])**2, axis=1)) weights = rho_k * rho[k+1:] index = np.minimum(np.asarray(distances/r[0], 'i'), n_max) # Note: indices may be duplicated, so "Pr[index] += w" will not work!! extended_Pr += np.bincount(index, weights, n_max+1) t = time.clock() if t > t_next: t_next = t + 3 print("processing %d of %d"%(k, len(rho)-1)) #print("time py:", time.clock() - t0) Pr = extended_Pr[:-1] # Make Pr independent of sampling density. The factor of 2 comes because # we are only accumulating the upper triangular distances. #Pr = Pr * 2 / len(rho)**2 return Pr / Pr.max() # Can get an additional 2x by going to C. Cuda/OpenCL will allow even # more speedup, though still bounded by the n^2 cose. """ void pdfcalc(int n, const double *pts, const double *rho, int nPr, double *Pr, double rstep) { int i,j; for (i=0; i 1000 else slice(None, None) ax.scatter(points[index, 0], points[index, 1], points[index, 2], c=rho[index]) #low, high = points.min(axis=0), points.max(axis=0) #ax.axis([low[0], high[0], low[1], high[1], low[2], high[2]]) ax.autoscale(True) def sas_2J1x_x(x): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): retvalue = 2*J1(x)/x retvalue[x == 0] = 1. return retvalue def sas_3j1x_x(x): """return 3*j1(x)/x""" with np.errstate(all='ignore'): retvalue = 3*(sin(x) - x*cos(x))/x**3 retvalue[x == 0.] = 1. return retvalue def cylinder_Iq(q, radius, length): z, w = leggauss(76) cos_alpha = (z+1)/2 sin_alpha = sqrt(1.0 - cos_alpha**2) Iq = np.empty_like(q) for k, qk in enumerate(q): qab, qc = qk*sin_alpha, qk*cos_alpha Fq = sas_2J1x_x(qab*radius) * j0(qc*length/2) Iq[k] = np.sum(w*Fq**2) Iq = Iq/Iq[0] return Iq def sphere_Iq(q, radius): Iq = sas_3j1x_x(q*radius)**2 return Iq/Iq[0] def csbox_Iq(q, a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core): z, w = leggauss(76) sld_solvent = 0 overlapping = False dr0 = sld_core - sld_solvent drA, drB, drC = slda-sld_solvent, sldb-sld_solvent, sldc-sld_solvent tA, tB, tC = a + 2*da, b + 2*db, c + 2*dc outer_sum = np.zeros_like(q) for cos_alpha, outer_w in zip((z+1)/2, w): sin_alpha = sqrt(1.0-cos_alpha*cos_alpha) qc = q*cos_alpha siC = c*j0(c*qc/2) siCt = tC*j0(tC*qc/2) inner_sum = np.zeros_like(q) for beta, inner_w in zip((z + 1)*pi/4, w): qa, qb = q*sin_alpha*sin(beta), q*sin_alpha*cos(beta) siA = a*j0(a*qa/2) siB = b*j0(b*qb/2) siAt = tA*j0(tA*qa/2) siBt = tB*j0(tB*qb/2) if overlapping: Fq = (dr0*siA*siB*siC + drA*(siAt-siA)*siB*siC + drB*siAt*(siBt-siB)*siC + drC*siAt*siBt*(siCt-siC)) else: Fq = (dr0*siA*siB*siC + drA*(siAt-siA)*siB*siC + drB*siA*(siBt-siB)*siC + drC*siA*siB*(siCt-siC)) inner_sum += inner_w * Fq**2 outer_sum += outer_w * inner_sum Iq = outer_sum / 4 # = outer*um*zm*8.0/(4.0*M_PI) return Iq/Iq[0] def check_shape(shape, fn=None): rho_solvent = 0 q = np.logspace(-3, 0, 200) r = shape.r_bins(q, r_step=0.01) sampling_density = 15000 / shape.volume() rho, points = shape.sample(sampling_density) Pr = calc_Pr(r, rho-rho_solvent, points) Iq = calc_Iq(q, r, Pr) theory = (q, fn(q)) if fn is not None else None import pylab #plot_points(rho, points); pylab.figure() plot_calc(r, Pr, q, Iq, theory=theory) def check_cylinder(radius=25, length=125, rho=2.): shape = EllipticalCylinder(radius, radius, length, rho) fn = lambda q: cylinder_Iq(q, radius, length) check_shape(shape, fn) def check_sphere(radius=125, rho=2): shape = TriaxialEllipsoid(radius, radius, radius, rho) fn = lambda q: sphere_Iq(q, radius) check_shape(shape, fn) def check_csbox(a=10, b=20, c=30, da=1, db=2, dc=3, slda=1, sldb=2, sldc=3, sld_core=4): core = Box(a, b, c, sld_core) side_a = Box(da, b, c, slda, center=((a+da)/2, 0, 0)) side_b = Box(a, db, c, sldb, center=(0, (b+db)/2, 0)) side_c = Box(a, b, dc, sldc, center=(0, 0, (c+dc)/2)) side_a2 = copy(side_a).shift(-a-da, 0, 0) side_b2 = copy(side_b).shift(0, -b-db, 0) side_c2 = copy(side_c).shift(0, 0, -c-dc) shape = Composite((core, side_a, side_b, side_c, side_a2, side_b2, side_c2)) fn = lambda q: csbox_Iq(q, a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core) check_shape(shape, fn) if __name__ == "__main__": check_cylinder(radius=10, length=40) #check_sphere() #check_csbox() #check_csbox(da=100, db=200, dc=300)