from __future__ import division, print_function # Make sasmodels available on the path import sys, os BETA_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) SASMODELS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(BETA_DIR)) sys.path.insert(0, SASMODELS_DIR) from collections import namedtuple from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, fabs from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss from scipy.special import j1 as J1 from numpy import inf from scipy.special import gammaln # type: ignore Theory = namedtuple('Theory', 'Q F1 F2 P S I Seff Ibeta') Theory.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(Theory._fields) #Used to calculate F(q) for the cylinder, sphere, ellipsoid models # RKH adding vesicle and hollow_cylinder to test sasview special cases of ER and VR # There were issues here from python3 (i.e. qt5 version of sasview),fixed by Paul K (else do "source activate sasview") def sas_sinx_x(x): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): retvalue = sin(x)/x retvalue[x == 0.] = 1. return retvalue def sas_2J1x_x(x): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): retvalue = 2*J1(x)/x retvalue[x == 0] = 1. return retvalue def sas_3j1x_x(x): """return 3*j1(x)/x""" retvalue = np.empty_like(x) with np.errstate(all='ignore'): # GSL bessel_j1 taylor expansion index = (x < 0.25) y = x[index]**2 c1 = -1.0/10.0 c2 = +1.0/280.0 c3 = -1.0/15120.0 c4 = +1.0/1330560.0 c5 = -1.0/172972800.0 retvalue[index] = 1.0 + y*(c1 + y*(c2 + y*(c3 + y*(c4 + y*c5)))) index = ~index y = x[index] retvalue[index] = 3*(sin(y) - y*cos(y))/y**3 retvalue[x == 0.] = 1. return retvalue #Used to cross check my models with sasview models def build_model(model_name, q, **pars): from sasmodels.core import load_model_info, build_model as build_sasmodel from import empty_data1D from sasmodels.direct_model import DirectModel model_info = load_model_info(model_name) model = build_sasmodel(model_info, dtype='double!') data = empty_data1D(q) calculator = DirectModel(data, model,cutoff=0) = pars.copy()'background', 0) return calculator #gives the hardsphere structure factor that sasview uses def _hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction): CUTOFFHS = 0.05 if fabs(radius_effective) < 1.E-12: HARDSPH = 1.0 return HARDSPH X = 1.0/(1.0 -volfraction) D = X*X A = (1.+2.*volfraction)*D A *= A X = fabs(q*radius_effective*2.0) if X < 5.E-06: HARDSPH = 1./A return HARDSPH X2 = X*X B = (1.0 +0.5*volfraction)*D B *= B B *= -6.*volfraction G = 0.5*volfraction*A if X < CUTOFFHS: FF = 8.0*A +6.0*B + 4.0*G + ( -0.8*A -B/1.5 -0.5*G +(A/35. +0.0125*B +0.02*G)*X2)*X2 HARDSPH = 1./(1. + volfraction*FF ) return HARDSPH X4 = X2*X2 S, C = sin(X), cos(X) FF = ((G*( (4.*X2 -24.)*X*S -(X4 -12.*X2 +24.)*C +24. )/X2 + B*(2.*X*S -(X2-2.)*C -2.) )/X + A*(S-X*C))/X HARDSPH = 1./(1. + 24.*volfraction*FF/X2) return HARDSPH def hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction): SQ = [_hardsphere_simple(qk, radius_effective, volfraction) for qk in q] return np.array(SQ) #Used in gaussian quadrature for polydispersity #returns values and the probability of those values based on gaussian distribution N_GAUSS = 35 NSIGMA_GAUSS = 3 def gaussian_distribution(center, sigma, lb, ub): #3 standard deviations covers approx. 99.7% if sigma != 0: nsigmas = NSIGMA_GAUSS x = np.linspace(center-sigma*nsigmas, center+sigma*nsigmas, num=N_GAUSS) x = x[(x >= lb) & (x <= ub)] px = np.exp((x-center)**2 / (-2.0 * sigma * sigma)) return x, px else: return np.array([center]), np.array([1]) N_SCHULZ = 80 NSIGMA_SCHULZ = 8 def schulz_distribution(center, sigma, lb, ub): if sigma != 0: nsigmas = NSIGMA_SCHULZ x = np.linspace(center-sigma*nsigmas, center+sigma*nsigmas, num=N_SCHULZ) x = x[(x >= lb) & (x <= ub)] R = x/center z = (center/sigma)**2 arg = z*np.log(z) + (z-1)*np.log(R) - R*z - np.log(center) - gammaln(z) px = np.exp(arg) return x, px else: return np.array([center]), np.array([1]) #returns the effective radius used in sasview def ER_ellipsoid(radius_polar, radius_equatorial): ee = np.empty_like(radius_polar) if radius_polar > radius_equatorial: ee = (radius_polar**2 - radius_equatorial**2)/radius_polar**2 elif radius_polar < radius_equatorial: ee = (radius_equatorial**2 - radius_polar**2) / radius_equatorial**2 else: ee = 2*radius_polar if radius_polar * radius_equatorial != 0: bd = 1.0 - ee e1 = np.sqrt(ee) b1 = 1.0 + np.arcsin(e1) / (e1*np.sqrt(bd)) bL = (1.0 + e1) / (1.0 - e1) b2 = 1.0 + bd / 2 / e1 * np.log(bL) delta = 0.75 * b1 * b2 ddd = np.zeros_like(radius_polar) ddd = 2.0*(delta + 1.0)*radius_polar*radius_equatorial**2 return 0.5*ddd**(1.0 / 3.0) def ellipsoid_volume(radius_polar, radius_equatorial): volume = (4./3.)*pi*radius_polar*radius_equatorial**2 return volume # F1 is F(q) # F2 is F(g)^2 #IQM is I(q) with monodispersity #IQSM is I(q) with structure factor S(q) and monodispersity #IQBM is I(q) with Beta Approximation and monodispersity #SQ is monodisperse approach for structure factor #SQ_EFF is the effective structure factor from beta approx def ellipsoid_theta(q, radius_polar, radius_equatorial, sld, sld_solvent, volfraction=0, radius_effective=None): #creates values z and corresponding probabilities w from legendre-gauss quadrature volume = ellipsoid_volume(radius_polar, radius_equatorial) z, w = leggauss(76) F1 = np.zeros_like(q) F2 = np.zeros_like(q) #use a u subsition(u=cos) and then u=(z+1)/2 to change integration from #0->2pi with respect to alpha to -1->1 with respect to z, allowing us to use #legendre-gauss quadrature for k, qk in enumerate(q): r = sqrt(radius_equatorial**2*(1-((z+1)/2)**2)+radius_polar**2*((z+1)/2)**2) form = (sld-sld_solvent)*volume*sas_3j1x_x(qk*r) F2[k] = np.sum(w*form**2) F1[k] = np.sum(w*form) #the 1/2 comes from the change of variables mentioned above F2 = F2/2.0 F1 = F1/2.0 if radius_effective is None: radius_effective = ER_ellipsoid(radius_polar,radius_equatorial) SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction) SQ_EFF = 1 + F1**2/F2*(SQ - 1) IQM = 1e-4*F2/volume IQSM = volfraction*IQM*SQ IQBM = volfraction*IQM*SQ_EFF return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQM, S=SQ, I=IQSM, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBM) #IQD is I(q) polydispursed, IQSD is I(q)S(q) polydispursed, etc. #IQBD HAS NOT BEEN CROSS CHECKED AT ALL def ellipsoid_pe(q, radius_polar, radius_equatorial, sld, sld_solvent, radius_polar_pd=0.1, radius_equatorial_pd=0.1, radius_polar_pd_type='gaussian', radius_equatorial_pd_type='gaussian', volfraction=0, radius_effective=None, background=0, scale=1, norm='sasview'): if norm not in ['sasview', 'sasfit', 'yun']: raise TypeError("unknown norm "+norm) if radius_polar_pd_type == 'gaussian': Rp_val, Rp_prob = gaussian_distribution(radius_polar, radius_polar_pd*radius_polar, 0, inf) elif radius_polar_pd_type == 'schulz': Rp_val, Rp_prob = schulz_distribution(radius_polar, radius_polar_pd*radius_polar, 0, inf) if radius_equatorial_pd_type == 'gaussian': Re_val, Re_prob = gaussian_distribution(radius_equatorial, radius_equatorial_pd*radius_equatorial, 0, inf) elif radius_equatorial_pd_type == 'schulz': Re_val, Re_prob = schulz_distribution(radius_equatorial, radius_equatorial_pd*radius_equatorial, 0, inf) total_weight = total_volume = 0 radius_eff = 0 F1, F2 = np.zeros_like(q), np.zeros_like(q) for k, Rpk in enumerate(Rp_val): print("ellipsoid cycle", k, "of", len(Rp_val)) for i, Rei in enumerate(Re_val): theory = ellipsoid_theta(q, Rpk, Rei, sld, sld_solvent) volume = ellipsoid_volume(Rpk, Rei) weight = Rp_prob[k]*Re_prob[i] total_weight += weight total_volume += weight*volume F1 += theory.F1*weight F2 += theory.F2*weight radius_eff += weight*ER_ellipsoid(Rpk, Rei) F1 /= total_weight F2 /= total_weight average_volume = total_volume/total_weight if radius_effective is None: radius_effective = radius_eff/total_weight if norm == 'sasfit': IQD = F2 elif norm == 'sasview': # Note: internally, sasview uses F2/total_volume because: # average_volume = total_volume/total_weight # F2/total_weight / average_volume # = F2/total_weight / total_volume/total_weight # = F2/total_volume IQD = F2/average_volume*1e-4*volfraction F1 *= 1e-2 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-4 elif norm == 'yun': F1 *= 1e-6 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-12 IQD = F2/average_volume*1e8*volfraction SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction) beta = F1**2/F2 SQ_EFF = 1 + beta*(SQ - 1) IQSD = IQD*SQ IQBD = IQD*SQ_EFF return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQD, S=SQ, I=IQSD, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBD) #polydispersity for sphere def sphere_r(q,radius,sld,sld_solvent, radius_pd=0.1, radius_pd_type='gaussian', volfraction=0, radius_effective=None, background=0, scale=1, norm='sasview'): if norm not in ['sasview', 'sasfit', 'yun']: raise TypeError("unknown norm "+norm) if radius_pd_type == 'gaussian': radius_val, radius_prob = gaussian_distribution(radius, radius_pd*radius, 0, inf) elif radius_pd_type == 'schulz': radius_val, radius_prob = schulz_distribution(radius, radius_pd*radius, 0, inf) total_weight = total_volume = 0 F1 = np.zeros_like(q) F2 = np.zeros_like(q) for k, rk in enumerate(radius_val): volume = 4./3.*pi*rk**3 total_weight += radius_prob[k] total_volume += radius_prob[k]*volume form = (sld-sld_solvent)*volume*sas_3j1x_x(q*rk) F2 += radius_prob[k]*form**2 F1 += radius_prob[k]*form F1 /= total_weight F2 /= total_weight average_volume = total_volume/total_weight if radius_effective is None: radius_effective = radius average_volume = total_volume/total_weight if norm == 'sasfit': IQD = F2 elif norm == 'sasview': IQD = F2/average_volume*1e-4*volfraction elif norm == 'yun': F1 *= 1e-6 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-12 IQD = F2/average_volume*1e8*volfraction print("in sphere_r : radius_effective ",radius_effective," volfraction",volfraction) SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction) beta = F1**2/F2 SQ_EFF = 1 + beta*(SQ - 1) IQSD = IQD*SQ IQBD = IQD*SQ_EFF return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQD, S=SQ, I=IQSD, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBD) #polydispersity for vesicle def vesicle_pe(q,radius=20, thickness=10, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, volfraction=0.03, radius_pd=0.1, thickness_pd=0.2, radius_pd_type="gaussian", thickness_pd_type="gaussian", radius_effective=None, background=0, scale=1, norm='sasview'): if norm not in ['sasview', 'sasfit', 'yun']: raise TypeError("unknown norm "+norm) if radius_pd_type == 'gaussian': R_val, R_prob = gaussian_distribution(radius, radius_pd*radius, 0, inf) elif radius_pd_type == 'schulz': R_val, R_prob = schulz_distribution(radius, radius_pd*radius, 0, inf) if thickness_pd_type == 'gaussian': T_val, T_prob = gaussian_distribution(thickness, thickness_pd*thickness, 0, inf) elif thickness_pd_type == 'schulz': T_val, T_prob = schulz_distribution(thickness, thickness_pd*thickness, 0, inf) total_weight = total_volume = total_shell = 0 radius_eff = 0 F1, F2 = np.zeros_like(q), np.zeros_like(q) for k, Rk in enumerate(R_val): print("vesicle cycle", k, "of", len(R_val)," Rk ",Rk) volume_in = 4./3.*pi*Rk**3 form_in = (sld-sld_solvent)*volume_in*sas_3j1x_x(q*Rk) for i, Ti in enumerate(T_val): Rout = Rk + Ti volume_out = 4./3.*pi*Rout**3 form_out = (sld-sld_solvent)*volume_out*sas_3j1x_x(q*Rout) form = form_out - form_in volume = volume_out - volume_in weight = R_prob[k]*T_prob[i] total_weight += weight total_shell += weight*volume total_volume += weight*volume_out F1 += form*weight F2 += form**2*weight radius_eff += weight*Rout F1 /= total_weight F2 /= total_weight average_volume = total_volume/total_weight if radius_effective is None: radius_effective = radius_eff/total_weight print("in vesicle_pe : radius_effective ",radius_effective) if norm == 'sasfit': IQD = F2 elif norm == 'sasview': # Note: internally, sasview uses F2/total_volume because: # average_volume = total_volume/total_weight # F2/total_weight / average_volume # = F2/total_weight / total_volume/total_weight # = F2/total_volume IQD = F2/average_volume*1e-4*volfraction F1 *= 1e-2 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-4 elif norm == 'yun': F1 *= 1e-6 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-12 IQD = F2/average_volume*1e8*volfraction # RKH SORT THIS OUT WHEN HAVE NEW MODEL Vtot/Vshell = (R+T)^3/ ( (R+T)^3 -R^3 ) vfff=volfraction*( 1.0/(1.0 - ( (radius/(radius+thickness))**3 ))) print("in vesicle_pe : radius_effective, fudged volfraction for S(Q) ",radius_effective,vfff) SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, vfff) beta = F1**2/F2 SQ_EFF = 1 + beta*(SQ - 1) IQSD = IQD*SQ IQBD = IQD*SQ_EFF return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQD, S=SQ, I=IQSD, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBD) # #polydispersity for hollow_cylinder def hollow_cylinder_pe(q,radius=20, thickness=10, length=80, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, volfraction=0.15, radius_pd=0.1, thickness_pd=0.2, length_pd=0.05, radius_pd_type="gaussian", length_pd_type="gaussian", thickness_pd_type="gaussian", radius_effective=None, background=0, scale=1, norm='sasview'): if norm not in ['sasview', 'sasfit', 'yun']: raise TypeError("unknown norm "+norm) if radius_pd_type == 'gaussian': R_val, R_prob = gaussian_distribution(radius, radius_pd*radius, 0, inf) elif radius_pd_type == 'schulz': R_val, R_prob = schulz_distribution(radius, radius_pd*radius, 0, inf) if thickness_pd_type == 'gaussian': T_val, T_prob = gaussian_distribution(thickness, thickness_pd*thickness, 0, inf) elif thickness_pd_type == 'schulz': T_val, T_prob = schulz_distribution(thickness, thickness_pd*thickness, 0, inf) if length_pd_type == 'gaussian': L_val, L_prob = gaussian_distribution(length, length_pd*length, 0, inf) elif length_pd_type == 'schulz': L_val, L_prob = schulz_distribution(length, length_pd*length, 0, inf) total_weight = total_volume = total_shell = 0 radius_eff = 0 F1, F2 = np.zeros_like(q), np.zeros_like(q) for k, Rk in enumerate(R_val): print("hollow_cylinder cycle", k, "of", len(R_val)," Rk ",Rk) for i, Ti in enumerate(T_val): for j, Lj in enumerate(L_val): Rout = Rk + Ti volume_out = pi*Rout**2*Lj volume_in = pi*Rk**2*Lj volume = volume_out - volume_in theory = hollow_cylinder_theta(q, Rk, Ti, Lj, sld, sld_solvent, volfraction=0, radius_effective=None) weight = R_prob[k]*T_prob[i]*L_prob[j] total_weight += weight total_shell += weight*volume total_volume += weight*volume_out F1 += theory.F1*weight F2 += theory.F2*weight radius_eff += weight*ER_hollow_cylinder(radius, thickness, length) F1 /= total_weight F2 /= total_weight average_volume = total_volume/total_weight if radius_effective is None: radius_effective = radius_eff/total_weight print("in hollow_cylinder : radius_effective ",radius_effective) if norm == 'sasfit': IQD = F2 elif norm == 'sasview': # Note: internally, sasview uses F2/total_volume because: # average_volume = total_volume/total_weight # F2/total_weight / average_volume # = F2/total_weight / total_volume/total_weight # = F2/total_volume IQD = F2/average_volume*1e-4*volfraction F1 *= 1e-2 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-4 elif norm == 'yun': F1 *= 1e-6 # Yun is using sld in 1/A^2, not 1e-6/A^2 F2 *= 1e-12 IQD = F2/average_volume*1e8*volfraction # RKH SORT THIS OUT WHEN HAVE NEW MODEL vfff=volfraction print("in hollow_cylinder : radius_effective, volfaction for S(Q) ",radius_effective,vfff) SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, vfff) beta = F1**2/F2 SQ_EFF = 1 + beta*(SQ - 1) IQSD = IQD*SQ IQBD = IQD*SQ_EFF return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQD, S=SQ, I=IQSD, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBD) # RKH copying Paul K's ellipsoid here, this computes everything for monodisperse case # and supplies partial results for polydisperse case. def hollow_cylinder_theta(q, radius, thickness, length, sld, sld_solvent, volfraction=0, radius_effective=None): #creates values z and corresponding probabilities w from legendre-gauss quadrature z, w = leggauss(76) F1 = np.zeros_like(q) F2 = np.zeros_like(q) #use a u subsition(u=cos) and then u=(z+1)/2 to change integration from #0->2pi with respect to alpha to -1->1 with respect to z, allowing us to use #legendre-gauss quadrature lower = 0.0 upper = 1.0 gamma_sq = (radius/(radius+thickness))**2 for k, qk in enumerate(q): for i, zt in enumerate(z): # quadrature loop cos_theta = 0.5*( zt* (upper-lower) + lower + upper ) sin_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_theta*cos_theta) aaa=(radius+thickness)*qk*sin_theta ## sas_J1 expects an array, so try direct use of J1 lam1 = J1(aaa)/aaa aaa=radius*qk*sin_theta lam2 = J1(aaa)/aaa psi = (lam1 - gamma_sq*lam2)/(1.0 - gamma_sq) #Note: lim_{thickness -> 0} psi = sas_J0(radius*qab) #Note: lim_{radius -> 0} psi = sas_2J1x_x(thickness*qab) aaa=0.5*length*qk*cos_theta t2 = sin(aaa)/aaa # t2 = sas_sinx_x(0.5*length*qk*cos_theta) form = psi*t2 F1[i] += w[i] * form F2[i] += w[i] * form * form volume = pi*((radius + thickness)**2 - radius**2)*length s = (sld - sld_solvent) * volume F2 = F2*s*(upper - lower)/2.0 F1 = F1*s*s*(upper - lower)/2.0 if radius_effective is None: radius_effective = ER_hollow_cylinder(radius, thickness, length) SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction) SQ_EFF = 1 + F1**2/F2*(SQ - 1) IQM = 1e-4*F2/volume IQSM = volfraction*IQM*SQ IQBM = volfraction*IQM*SQ_EFF return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQM, S=SQ, I=IQSM, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBM) # def ER_hollow_cylinder(radius, thickness, length): """ :param radius: Cylinder core radius :param thickness: Cylinder wall thickness :param length: Cylinder length :return: Effective radius """ router = radius + thickness if router == 0 or length == 0: return 0.0 len1 = router len2 = length/2.0 term1 = len1*len1*2.0*len2/2.0 term2 = 1.0 + (len2/len1)*(1.0 + 1/len2/2.0)*(1.0 + pi*len1/len2/2.0) ddd = 3.0*term1*term2 diam = pow(ddd, (1.0/3.0)) return diam ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ################## ################## ################## TESTS ################## ################## ################## ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def popn(d, keys): """ Splits a dict into two, with any key of *d* which is in *keys* removed from *d* and added to *b*. Returns *b*. """ b = {} for k in keys: try: b[k] = d.pop(k) except KeyError: pass return b def sasmodels_theory(q, Pname, **pars): """ Call sasmodels to compute the model with and without a hard sphere structure factor. """ #mono_pars = {k: (0 if k.endswith('_pd') else v) for k, v in pars.items()} Ppars = pars.copy() Spars = popn(Ppars, ['radius_effective', 'volfraction']) Ipars = pars.copy() # Autofill npts and nsigmas for the given pd type for k, v in pars.items(): if k.endswith("_pd_type"): if v == "gaussian": n, nsigmas = N_GAUSS, NSIGMA_GAUSS elif v == "schulz": n, nsigmas = N_SCHULZ, NSIGMA_SCHULZ Ppars.setdefault(k.replace("_pd_type", "_pd_n"), n) Ppars.setdefault(k.replace("_pd_type", "_pd_nsigma"), nsigmas) Ipars.setdefault(k.replace("_pd_type", "_pd_n"), n) Ipars.setdefault(k.replace("_pd_type", "_pd_nsigma"), nsigmas) #Ppars['scale'] = Spars.get('volfraction', 1) P = build_model(Pname, q) S = build_model("hardsphere", q) I = build_model(Pname+"@hardsphere", q) Pq = P(**Ppars)*pars.get('volfraction', 1) Sq = S(**Spars) Iq = I(**Ipars) #Iq = Pq*Sq*pars.get('volfraction', 1) #Sq = Iq/Pq #Iq = None#= Sq = None r = dict(I._kernel.results()) print(r) return Theory(Q=q, F1=None, F2=None, P=Pq, S=None, I=None, Seff=r["S_eff(Q)"], Ibeta=Iq) def compare(title, target, actual, fields='F1 F2 P S I Seff Ibeta'): """ Plot fields in common between target and actual, along with relative error. """ available = [s for s in fields.split() if getattr(target, s) is not None and getattr(actual, s) is not None] rows = len(available) for row, field in enumerate(available): Q = target.Q I1, I2 = getattr(target, field), getattr(actual, field) plt.subplot(rows, 2, 2*row+1) plt.loglog(Q, abs(I1), label="target "+field) plt.loglog(Q, abs(I2), label="value "+field) #plt.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1,1)) plt.legend(loc='lower left') plt.subplot(rows, 2, 2*row+2) plt.semilogx(Q, I2/I1 - 1, label="relative error") #plt.semilogx(Q, I1/I2 - 1, label="relative error") plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle(title) def data_file(name): return os.path.join(BETA_DIR, 'data_files', name) def load_sasfit(path): data = np.loadtxt(path, dtype=str, delimiter=';').T data = np.vstack((list(map(float, v)) for v in data[0:2])) return data COMPARISON = {} # Type: Dict[(str,str,str)] -> Callable[(), None] def compare_sasview_sphere(pd_type='schulz'): q = np.logspace(-5, 0, 250) model = 'sphere' pars = dict( radius=20, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, background=0, radius_pd=.1, radius_pd_type=pd_type, volfraction=0.15, radius_effective=20 # equivalent average sphere radius # NOTE sasview computes its own radius_effective in "target" (the print(r) at end of sasmodels_theory will reveal its value), # this one is only used locally for "actual" ) target = sasmodels_theory(q, model, effective_radius_mode=0, structure_factor_mode=1, **pars) actual = sphere_r(q, norm='sasview', **pars) title = " ".join(("sasmodels", model, pd_type)) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('sasview', 'sphere', 'gaussian')] = lambda: compare_sasview_sphere(pd_type='gaussian') COMPARISON[('sasview', 'sphere', 'schulz')] = lambda: compare_sasview_sphere(pd_type='schulz') def compare_sasview_vesicle(pd_type='gaussian'): q = np.logspace(-5, 0, 250) model = 'vesicle' print("F2 seems OK, but big issues with S(Q), so work in progress") # NOTE parameters for vesicle model are soon to be changed to remove "volfraction" (though still there in 5.0) pars = dict( radius=20, thickness=10, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, volfraction=0.03, background=0, radius_pd=0.01, thickness_pd=0.01, radius_pd_type=pd_type, thickness_pd_type=pd_type, radius_effective=30. ) # equivalent average sphere radius for local "actual" to match what sasview uses, use None to compute average outer radius here, target = sasmodels_theory(q, model, effective_radius_mode=0, structure_factor_mode=1, **pars) actual = vesicle_pe(q, norm='sasview', **pars) title = " ".join(("sasmodels", model, pd_type)) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('sasview', 'vesicle', 'gaussian')] = lambda: compare_sasview_vesicle(pd_type='gaussian') COMPARISON[('sasview', 'vesicle', 'schulz')] = lambda: compare_sasview_vesicle(pd_type='schulz') def compare_sasview_hollow_cylinder(pd_type='gaussian'): q = np.logspace(-5, 0, 250) model = 'hollow_cylinder' print(model) print("just about works for monodisperse, polydisperse needs work") # NOTE parameters for hollow_cylinder model are soon to be changed to remove "volfraction" # setting all three pd to zero is OK pars = dict( radius=20, thickness=10, length=80, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, background=0, radius_pd=0.1, thickness_pd=0.0, length_pd=0.0, radius_pd_type=pd_type, thickness_pd_type=pd_type, length_pd_type=pd_type, radius_effective=40.687) # equivalent average sphere radius for local "actual" to match what sasview uses target = sasmodels_theory(q, model, effective_radius_mode=0, structure_factor_mode=1, **pars) actual = hollow_cylinder_pe(q, norm='sasview', **pars) # RKH monodisp was OK, actual = hollow_cylinder_theta(q,radius=20, thickness=10, length=80, sld=4, sld_solvent=1 ) title = " ".join(("sasmodels", model, pd_type)) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('sasview', 'hollow_cylinder', 'gaussian')] = lambda: compare_sasview_hollow_cylinder(pd_type='gaussian') COMPARISON[('sasview', 'hollow_cylinder', 'schulz')] = lambda: compare_sasview_hollow_cylinder(pd_type='schulz') def compare_sasview_ellipsoid(pd_type='gaussian'): q = np.logspace(-5, 0, 50) model = 'ellipsoid' pars = dict( radius_polar=20, radius_equatorial=400, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, background=0, radius_polar_pd=0.1, radius_polar_pd_type=pd_type, radius_equatorial_pd=0.1, radius_equatorial_pd_type=pd_type, volfraction=0.15, radius_effective=270.7543927018, # if change radius_effective to some other value, the S(Q) from sasview does not agree ) target = sasmodels_theory(q, model, effective_radius_mode=0, structure_factor_mode=1, **pars) actual = ellipsoid_pe(q, norm='sasview', **pars) # RKH test actual = ellipsoid_theta(q, radius_polar=20, radius_equatorial=400, sld=4, sld_solvent=1, volfraction=0.15, radius_effective=270.) title = " ".join(("sasmodels", model, pd_type)) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('sasview', 'ellipsoid', 'gaussian')] = lambda: compare_sasview_ellipsoid(pd_type='gaussian') COMPARISON[('sasview', 'ellipsoid', 'schulz')] = lambda: compare_sasview_ellipsoid(pd_type='schulz') def compare_yun_ellipsoid_mono(): pars = { 'radius_polar': 20, 'radius_polar_pd': 0, 'radius_polar_pd_type': 'gaussian', 'radius_equatorial': 10, 'radius_equatorial_pd': 0, 'radius_equatorial_pd_type': 'gaussian', 'sld': 2, 'sld_solvent': 1, 'volfraction': 0.15, # Yun uses radius for same volume sphere for effective radius # whereas sasview uses the average curvature. 'radius_effective': 12.59921049894873, } data = np.loadtxt(data_file('yun_ellipsoid.dat'),skiprows=2).T Q = data[0] F1 = data[1] P = data[3]*pars['volfraction'] S = data[5] Seff = data[6] target = Theory(Q=Q, F1=F1, P=P, S=S, Seff=Seff) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='yun', **pars) title = " ".join(("yun", "ellipsoid", "no pd")) #compare(title, target, actual, fields="P S I Seff Ibeta") compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('yun', 'ellipsoid', 'gaussian')] = compare_yun_ellipsoid_mono COMPARISON[('yun', 'ellipsoid', 'schulz')] = compare_yun_ellipsoid_mono def compare_yun_sphere_gauss(): # Note: yun uses gauss limits from R0/10 to R0 + 5 sigma steps sigma/100 # With pd = 0.1, that's 14 sigma and 1400 points. pars = { 'radius': 20, 'radius_pd': 0.1, 'radius_pd_type': 'gaussian', 'sld': 6, 'sld_solvent': 0, 'volfraction': 0.1, } data = np.loadtxt(data_file('testPolydisperseGaussianSphere.dat'), skiprows=2).T Q = data[0] F1 = data[1] F2 = data[2] P = data[3] S = data[5] Seff = data[6] target = Theory(Q=Q, F1=F1, P=P, S=S, Seff=Seff) actual = sphere_r(Q, norm='yun', **pars) title = " ".join(("yun", "sphere", "10% dispersion 10% Vf")) compare(title, target, actual) data = np.loadtxt(data_file('testPolydisperseGaussianSphere2.dat'), skiprows=2).T pars.update(radius_pd=0.15) Q = data[0] F1 = data[1] F2 = data[2] P = data[3] S = data[5] Seff = data[6] target = Theory(Q=Q, F1=F1, P=P, S=S, Seff=Seff) actual = sphere_r(Q, norm='yun', **pars) title = " ".join(("yun", "sphere", "15% dispersion 10% Vf")) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('yun', 'sphere', 'gaussian')] = compare_yun_sphere_gauss def compare_sasfit_sphere_gauss(): #N=1,s=2,X0=20,distr radius R=20,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1,.3 pars = { 'radius': 20, 'radius_pd': 0.1, 'radius_pd_type': 'gaussian', 'sld': 4, 'sld_solvent': 1, 'volfraction': 0.3, } Q, IQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_sphere_IQD.txt')) Q, IQSD = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_sphere_IQSD.txt')) Q, IQBD = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_sphere_IQBD.txt')) Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_sphere_sq.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_sphere_sqeff.txt')) target = Theory(Q=Q, F1=None, F2=None, P=IQ, S=SQ, I=IQSD, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBD) actual = sphere_r(Q, norm="sasfit", **pars) title = " ".join(("sasfit", "sphere", "pd=10% gaussian")) compare(title, target, actual) #compare(title, target, actual, fields="P") COMPARISON[('sasfit', 'sphere', 'gaussian')] = compare_sasfit_sphere_gauss def compare_sasfit_sphere_schulz(): #radius=20,sld=4,sld_solvent=1,volfraction=0.3,radius_pd=0.1 #We have scaled the output from sasfit by 1e-4*volume*volfraction #0.10050378152592121 pars = { 'radius': 20, 'radius_pd': 0.1, 'radius_pd_type': 'schulz', 'sld': 4, 'sld_solvent': 1, 'volfraction': 0.3, } Q, IQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_sphere_schulz_IQD.txt')) Q, IQSD = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_sphere_schulz_IQSD.txt')) Q, IQBD = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_sphere_schulz_IQBD.txt')) target = Theory(Q=Q, F1=None, F2=None, P=IQ, S=None, I=IQSD, Seff=None, Ibeta=IQBD) actual = sphere_r(Q, norm="sasfit", **pars) title = " ".join(("sasfit", "sphere", "pd=10% schulz")) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('sasfit', 'sphere', 'schulz')] = compare_sasfit_sphere_schulz def compare_sasfit_ellipsoid_schulz(): #polarradius=20, equatorialradius=10, sld=4,sld_solvent=1,volfraction=0.3,radius_polar_pd=0.1 #Effective radius =13.1353356684 #We have scaled the output from sasfit by 1e-4*volume*volfraction #0.10050378152592121 pars = { 'radius_polar': 20, 'radius_polar_pd': 0.1, 'radius_polar_pd_type': 'schulz', 'radius_equatorial': 10, 'radius_equatorial_pd': 0., 'radius_equatorial_pd_type': 'schulz', 'sld': 4, 'sld_solvent': 1, 'volfraction': 0.3, 'radius_effective': 13.1353356684, } Q, IQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_schulz_IQD.txt')) Q, IQSD = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_schulz_IQSD.txt')) Q, IQBD = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_schulz_IQBD.txt')) target = Theory(Q=Q, F1=None, F2=None, P=IQ, S=None, I=IQSD, Seff=None, Ibeta=IQBD) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm="sasfit", **pars) title = " ".join(("sasfit", "ellipsoid", "pd=10% schulz")) compare(title, target, actual) COMPARISON[('sasfit', 'ellipsoid', 'schulz')] = compare_sasfit_ellipsoid_schulz def compare_sasfit_ellipsoid_gaussian(): pars = { 'radius_polar': 20, 'radius_polar_pd': 0, 'radius_polar_pd_type': 'gaussian', 'radius_equatorial': 10, 'radius_equatorial_pd': 0, 'radius_equatorial_pd_type': 'gaussian', 'sld': 4, 'sld_solvent': 1, 'volfraction': 0, 'radius_effective': None, } #Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1 Q, PQ0 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQM.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.0, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ0) compare("sasfit ellipsoid no poly", target, actual); #N=1,s=2,X0=20,distr 10% polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, no structure poly Q, PQ_Rp10 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQD.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.1, radius_equatorial_pd=0.0, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ_Rp10) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 10% Rp", target, actual); #N=1,s=1,X0=10,distr 10% equatorial Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, no structure poly Q, PQ_Re10 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQD2.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.0, radius_equatorial_pd=0.1, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ_Re10) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 10% Re", target, actual); #N=1,s=6,X0=20,distr 30% polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, no structure poly Q, PQ_Rp30 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQD3.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.3, radius_equatorial_pd=0.0, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ_Rp30) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 30% Rp", target, actual); #N=1,s=3,X0=10,distr 30% equatorial Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, no structure poly Q, PQ_Re30 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQD4.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.0, radius_equatorial_pd=0.3, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ_Re30) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 30% Re", target, actual); #N=1,s=12,X0=20,distr 60% polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, no structure poly Q, PQ_Rp60 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQD5.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.6, radius_equatorial_pd=0.0, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ_Rp60) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 60% Rp", target, actual); #N=1,s=6,X0=10,distr 60% equatorial Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, no structure poly Q, PQ_Re60 = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_ellipsoid_IQD6.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0, radius_polar_pd=0.0, radius_equatorial_pd=0.6, radius_effective=None) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, P=PQ_Re60) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 60% Re", target, actual); #N=1,s=2,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.1354236254,.15 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.15, radius_polar_pd=0.1, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.1354236254) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 10% Rp 15% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=6,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.0901197149,.15 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq2.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff2.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.15, radius_polar_pd=0.3, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.0901197149) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 30% Rp 15% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=12,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.336060917,.15 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq3.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff3.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.15, radius_polar_pd=0.6, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.336060917) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 60% Rp 15% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=2,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.1354236254,.3 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq4.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff4.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.3, radius_polar_pd=0.1, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.1354236254) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 10% Rp 30% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=6,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.0901197149,.3 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq5.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff5.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.3, radius_polar_pd=0.3, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.0901197149) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 30% Rp 30% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=12,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.336060917,.3 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq6.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff6.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.3, radius_polar_pd=0.6, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.336060917) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 60% Rp 30% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=2,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.1354236254,.6 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq7.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff7.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.6, radius_polar_pd=0.1, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.1354236254) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 10% Rp 60% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=6,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.0901197149,.6 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq8.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff8.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.6, radius_polar_pd=0.3, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.0901197149) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 30% Rp 60% Vf", target, actual); #N=1,s=12,X0=20,distr polar Rp=20,Re=10,eta_core=4,eta_solv=1, hardsphere ,13.336060917,.6 Q, SQ = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sq9.txt')) Q, SQ_EFF = load_sasfit(data_file('sasfit_polydisperse_ellipsoid_sqeff9.txt')) pars.update(volfraction=0.6, radius_polar_pd=0.6, radius_equatorial_pd=0, radius_effective=13.336060917) actual = ellipsoid_pe(Q, norm='sasfit', **pars) target = Theory(Q=Q, S=SQ, Seff=SQ_EFF) compare("sasfit ellipsoid P(Q) 60% Rp 60% Vf", target, actual); COMPARISON[('sasfit', 'ellipsoid', 'gaussian')] = compare_sasfit_ellipsoid_gaussian def main(): key = tuple(sys.argv[1:]) if key not in COMPARISON: print("Usage: python [sasview|sasfit|yun] [sphere|ellipsoid|vesicle|hollow_cylinder] [gaussian|schulz]") print("But not for [yun sphere schulz], and vesicle & hollow_cylinder only with sasview.") print("Note this compares chosen source against internal python code here, with adjustment for known scale etc issues.") return comparison = COMPARISON[key] comparison() if __name__ == "__main__": main()