r""" Show numerical precision of $2 J_1(x)/x$. """ import numpy as np from sympy.mpmath import mp #import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import pylab SHOW_DIFF = True # True if show diff rather than function value LINEAR_X = False # True if q is linearly spaced instead of log spaced def mp_J1c(vec, bits=500): """ Direct calculation using sympy multiprecision library. """ with mp.workprec(bits): return [_mp_J1c(mp.mpf(x)) for x in vec] def _mp_J1c(x): """ Helper funciton for mp_j1c """ return mp.mpf(2)*mp.j1(x)/x def np_J1c(x, dtype): """ Direct calculation using scipy. """ from scipy.special import j1 as J1 x = np.asarray(x, dtype) return np.asarray(2, dtype)*J1(x)/x def cephes_J1c(x, dtype, n): """ Calculation using pade approximant. """ f = np.float64 if np.dtype(dtype) == np.float64 else np.float32 x = np.asarray(x, dtype) ans = np.empty_like(x) ax = abs(x) # Branch a a_idx = ax < f(8.0) a_xsq = x[a_idx]**2 a_coeff1 = list(reversed((72362614232.0, -7895059235.0, 242396853.1, -2972611.439, 15704.48260, -30.16036606))) a_coeff2 = list(reversed((144725228442.0, 2300535178.0, 18583304.74, 99447.43394, 376.9991397, 1.0))) a_ans1 = np.polyval(np.asarray(a_coeff1[n:], dtype), a_xsq) a_ans2 = np.polyval(np.asarray(a_coeff2[n:], dtype), a_xsq) ans[a_idx] = f(2.0)*a_ans1/a_ans2 # Branch b b_idx = ~a_idx b_ax = ax[b_idx] b_x = x[b_idx] b_y = f(64.0)/(b_ax**2) b_xx = b_ax - f(2.356194491) b_coeff1 = list(reversed((1.0, 0.183105e-2, -0.3516396496e-4, 0.2457520174e-5, -0.240337019e-6))) b_coeff2 = list(reversed((0.04687499995, -0.2002690873e-3, 0.8449199096e-5, -0.88228987e-6, 0.105787412e-6))) b_ans1 = np.polyval(np.asarray(b_coeff1[n:], dtype),b_y) b_ans2 = np.polyval(np.asarray(b_coeff2[n:], dtype), b_y) b_sn, b_cn = np.sin(b_xx), np.cos(b_xx) ans[b_idx] = np.sign(b_x)*np.sqrt(f(0.636619772)/b_ax) * (b_cn*b_ans1 - (f(8.0)/b_ax)*b_sn*b_ans2)*f(2.0)/b_x return ans def div_J1c(x, dtype): f = np.float64 if np.dtype(dtype) == np.float64 else np.float32 x = np.asarray(x, dtype) return f(2.0)*np.asarray([_J1(xi, f)/xi for xi in x], dtype) def _J1(x, f): ax = abs(x) if ax < f(8.0): y = x*x ans1 = x*(f(72362614232.0) + y*(f(-7895059235.0) + y*(f(242396853.1) + y*(f(-2972611.439) + y*(f(15704.48260) + y*(f(-30.16036606))))))) ans2 = (f(144725228442.0) + y*(f(2300535178.0) + y*(f(18583304.74) + y*(f(99447.43394) + y*(f(376.9991397) + y))))) return ans1/ans2 else: y = f(64.0)/(ax*ax) xx = ax - f(2.356194491) ans1 = (f(1.0) + y*(f(0.183105e-2) + y*(f(-0.3516396496e-4) + y*(f(0.2457520174e-5) + y*f(-0.240337019e-6))))) ans2 = (f(0.04687499995) + y*(f(-0.2002690873e-3) + y*(f(0.8449199096e-5) + y*(f(-0.88228987e-6) + y*f(0.105787412e-6))))) sn, cn = np.sin(xx), np.cos(xx) ans = np.sqrt(f(0.636619772)/ax) * (cn*ans1 - (f(8.0)/ax)*sn*ans2) return -ans if (x < f(0.0)) else ans def plotdiff(x, target, actual, label): """ Plot the computed value. Use relative error if SHOW_DIFF, otherwise just plot the value directly. """ if SHOW_DIFF: err = np.clip(abs((target-actual)/target), 0, 1) pylab.loglog(x, err, '-', label=label) else: limits = np.min(target), np.max(target) pylab.semilogx(x, np.clip(actual,*limits), '-', label=label) def compare(x, precision): r""" Compare the different computation methods using the given precision. """ target = np.asarray(mp_J1c(x), 'double') #plotdiff(x, target, mp_J1c(x, 11), 'mp 11 bits') plotdiff(x, target, np_J1c(x, precision), 'direct '+precision) plotdiff(x, target, cephes_J1c(x, precision, 0), 'cephes '+precision) #plotdiff(x, target, cephes_J1c(x, precision, 1), 'cephes '+precision) #plotdiff(x, target, div_J1c(x, precision), 'cephes 2 J1(x)/x '+precision) pylab.xlabel("qr (1/Ang)") if SHOW_DIFF: pylab.ylabel("relative error") else: pylab.ylabel("2 J1(x)/x") pylab.semilogx(x, target, '-', label="true value") if LINEAR_X: pylab.xscale('linear') def main(): r""" Compare accuracy of different methods for computing $3 j_1(x)/x$. :return: """ if LINEAR_X: qr = np.linspace(1,1000,2000) else: qr = np.logspace(-3,5,400) pylab.subplot(121) compare(qr, 'single') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.subplot(122) compare(qr, 'double') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.suptitle('2 J1(x)/x') if __name__ == "__main__": #print "\n".join(str(x) for x in mp_J1c([1e-6,1e-5,1e-4,1e-3])) main() pylab.show()