.. currentmodule:: sasmodels .. Wim Bouwman, DUT, written at codecamp-V, Oct2016 .. _sesans_fitting: Fitting SESANS Data =================== .. note:: A proper installation of the developers setup of SasView (http://trac.sasview.org/wiki/AnacondaSetup) is a prerequisite for using these instructions. It is possible to fit SESANS measurements from the command line in Python. Simple Fits ........... In the folder sasmodels/example the file sesans_sphere_2micron.py gives an example of how to fit a shape to a measurement. The command:: >python fit_sesans.py sesans_sphere_2micron.py then results in a GUI from which you can control the fit. .. image:: sesans_img/SphereLineFitSasView.png All the parameters and names in sesans_sphere_2micron.py (shown below) can be adjusted to fit your own problem:: """ This is a data file used to load in sesans data and fit it using the bumps engine """ from bumps.names import * import sesansfit # Enter the model name to use model_name = "sphere" # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE model = sesansfit.get_bumps_model(model_name) # Enter any custom parameters # name = Parameter(initial_value, name='name') phi = Parameter(0.0855, name='phi') # Add the parameters to this list that should be displayed in the fitting window custom_params = {"phi" : phi} # SESANS data file name sesans_file = "spheres2micron.ses" # Initial parameter values (if other than defaults) # "model_parameter_name" : value initial_vals = { "sld" : 1.41, "radius" : 10000, "sld_solvent" : 2.70, } # Ranges for parameters if other than default # "model_parameter_name" : [min, max] param_range = { "phi" : [0.001, 0.5], "radius" : [100, 100000] } # Constraints # model.param_name = f(other params) # EXAMPLE: model.scale = model.radius*model.radius*(1 - phi) - where radius and scale are model functions and phi is # a custom parameter model.scale = phi*(1-phi) # Send to the fitting engine # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE problem = sesansfit.sesans_fit(sesans_file, model, initial_vals, custom_params, param_range) Incorporating a Structure Factor ................................ An example of how to also include a structure factor can be seen in the following example taken from Washington et al., *Soft Matter*\, (2014), 10, 3016 (dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3SM53027B). These are time-of-flight measurements, which is the reason that not the polarisation is plotted, but the :math:`\frac{log(P/P_0)}{\lambda^2}` . The sample is a dispersion of core-shell colloids at a high volume fraction with hard sphere interactions. The fit can be started by:: >python fit_sesans.py sesans_parameters_css-hs.py This yields after the fitting: .. image:: sesans_img/HardSphereLineFitSasView.png The code sesans_parameters_css-hs.py can then be used as a template for a fitting problem with a structure factor:: """ This is a data file used to load in sesans data and fit it using the bumps engine """ from bumps.names import * import sesansfit # Enter the model name to use model_name = "core_shell_sphere*hardsphere" # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE model = sesansfit.get_bumps_model(model_name) # Enter any custom parameters phi = Parameter(0.45, name='phi') pen = Parameter(0.95, name='solvent penetration') custom_params = {"phi" : phi, "pen" : pen} # SESANS data file sesans_file = "core_shell.ses" # Initial parameter values (if other than defaults) initial_vals = { "sld_core" : 1.05, "sld_shell" : 2.88*pen-0.05*(1-pen), "sld_solvent" : 2.88, "radius" : 730, "thickness" : 20, "volfraction" : phi, "scale" : (1-phi) } # Ranges for parameters if other than default param_range = { "phi" : [0.2, 0.5], "pen" : [0,1], "radius" : [500, 3000], "thickness" : [0,200] } # Constraints # model.param_name = f(other params) # EXAMPLE: model.scale = model.radius*model.radius*(1 - phi) - where radius and scale are model functions and phi is # a custom parameter model.scale = phi*(1-phi) model.volfraction = phi model.shell_sld = pen*2.88 # Send to the fitting engine problem = sesansfit.sesans_fit(sesans_file, model_name, initial_vals, custom_params, param_range)