import sys # make sure sasmodels is on the path sys.path.append('..') from os import mkdir from os.path import basename, exists, join as joinpath from sasmodels.core import load_model_definition TEMPLATE="""\ .. Generated from doc/ -- DO NOT EDIT -- .. %(label)s: %(bar)s %(title)s %(bar)s .. toctree:: """ MODEL_TOC_PATH = "ref/models" def _make_category(category_name, label, title, parent=None): file = open(joinpath(MODEL_TOC_PATH, category_name+".rst"), "w") file.write(TEMPLATE%{'label':label, 'title':title, 'bar':'*'*len(title)}) if parent: _add_subcategory(parent, category_name) return file def _add_subcategory(file, category_name): file.write(" %s.rst\n"%category_name) def _add_model(file, model_name): file.write(" ../../model/%s.rst\n"%model_name) def generate_toc(model_files): if not model_files: print >>sys.stderr, "gentoc needs a list of model files" # find all categories category = {} for item in model_files: # assume model is in sasmodels/models/, and ignore the full path model_name = basename(item)[:-3] if model_name.startswith('_'): continue model_definition = load_model_definition(model_name) if not hasattr(model_definition, 'category'): print >>sys.stderr, "Missing category for",item else: category.setdefault(model_definition.category,[]).append(model_name) # Check category names for k,v in category.items(): if len(v) == 1: print >>sys.stderr, "Category %s contains only %s"%(k,v[0]) # Generate category files # Assume that top-level groups are: # shape, shape-independent, structure-factor and custom # Supports a two-level category structure. if not exists(MODEL_TOC_PATH): mkdir(MODEL_TOC_PATH) model_toc = _make_category( 'index', 'Models', 'Model Functions') shape_toc = _make_category( 'shape', 'Shapes', 'Shape Functions', model_toc) free_toc = _make_category( 'shape-independent', 'Shape-independent', 'Shape-Independent Functions', model_toc) struct_toc = _make_category( 'structure-factor', 'Structure-factor', 'Structure Factors', model_toc) custom_toc = _make_category( 'custom-models', 'Custom-models', 'Custom Models', model_toc) model_toc.close() # remember to top level categories cat_files = { 'shape':shape_toc, 'shape-independent':free_toc, 'structure-factor': struct_toc, 'custom': custom_toc, } # Process the model lists for k,v in sorted(category.items()): if ':' in k: cat,subcat = k.split(':') cat_file = cat_files[cat] label = "-".join((cat,subcat)) filename = label title = subcat.capitalize()+" Functions" sub_toc = _make_category(filename, label, title, cat_file) for model in sorted(v): _add_model(sub_toc, model) sub_toc.close() else: if k not in cat_files: print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown category %s containing"%cat, v else: cat_file = cat_files[k] for model in sorted(v): _add_model(cat_file, model) # Close the top-level category files for f in cat_files.values(): f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": generate_toc(sys.argv[1:])