""" py.test hooks for sasmodels Hooks for running sasmodels tests via py.test. *pytest_collection_modifyitems* adds the test description to the end of the test name. This is needed for the generated list of tests is sasmodels, where each test has a description giving the name of the model. For example "model_tests::[3]" becomes "model_tests::[3]::bcc_paracrystal-dll". Need to leave the "::[3]" in the name since that is the way you can indicate this test specifically from the py.test command line. [This is perhaps because the modifyitems hook is only called after test selection.] *pytest_ignore_collect* skips kernelcl.py if pyopencl cannot be imported. """ from __future__ import print_function import os.path import pytest from _pytest.unittest import TestCaseFunction from _pytest.compat import is_generator def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector, name, obj): """ Convert test generator into list of function tests so that pytest doesn't complain about deprecated yield tests. Note that unlike nose, the tests are generated and saved instead of run immediately. This means that any dynamic context, such as a for-loop variable, must be captured by wrapping the yield result in a function call. For example:: for value in 1, 2, 3: for test in test_cases: yield test, value will need to be changed to:: def build_test(test, value): return test, value for value in 1, 2, 3: for test in test_cases: yield build_test(test, value) This allows the context (test and value) to be captured by lexical closure in build_test. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/233835/6195051. """ if collector.istestfunction(obj, name) and is_generator(obj): tests = [pytest.Function(name, parent=collector, args=yielded[1:], callobj=yielded[0]) for yielded in obj()] return tests USE_DOCSTRING_AS_DESCRIPTION = True def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): """ Add description to the test node id if item is a function and function has a description attribute or __doc__ attribute. """ for item in items: #print(item.nodeid, type(item)) #for attr in dir(item): not attr.startswith('__') and print(attr, getattr(item, attr)) if isinstance(item, pytest.Function): if isinstance(item, TestCaseFunction): # TestCase uses item.name to find the method so skip continue function = item.obj # If the test case provides a "description" attribute then use it # as an extended description. If there is no description attribute, # then perhaps use the test docstring. if USE_DOCSTRING_AS_DESCRIPTION: description = getattr(function, 'description', function.__doc__) else: description = getattr(function, 'description', "") # If description is not supplied but yield args are, then use the # yield args for the description if not description and getattr(item, '_args', ()): description = str(item._args) if len(item._args) > 1 else str(item._args[0]) #print(item.nodeid, description, item._args) if description: # Strip spaces from start and end and strip dots from end # pytest converts '.' to '::' on output for some reason. description = description.strip().rstrip('.') # Join multi-line descriptions into a single line if '\n' in description: description = " ".join(line.strip() for line in description.split('\n')) # Set the description as part of the node identifier. if description: #print(type(item), dir(item)) #print(item.nodeid, description) #print(item.location, item.name, item.nodeid, item.originalname) # Note: leave the current name mostly as-is since the prefix # is needed to specify the nth test from a list of tests. #print("updating with", description) item.name += "::" + description #print("=>", item.nodeid)