#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import numpy as np from sasmodels.core import BumpsModel, fake_data2D, set_beam_stop, plot_data, \ tic, opencl_model, dll_model def sasview_model(modelname, **pars): """ Load a sasview model given the model name. """ modelname = modelname+"Model" sans = __import__('sans.models.'+modelname) ModelClass = getattr(getattr(sans.models,modelname,None),modelname,None) if ModelClass is None: raise ValueError("could not find model %r in sans.models"%modelname) model = ModelClass() for k,v in pars.items(): if k.endswith("_pd"): model.dispersion[k[:-3]]['width'] = v elif k.endswith("_pd_n"): model.dispersion[k[:-5]]['npts'] = v elif k.endswith("_pd_nsigma"): model.dispersion[k[:-10]]['nsigmas'] = v else: model.setParam(k, v) return model def compare(Ncpu, cpuname, cpupars, Ngpu, gpuname, gpupars): #from sasmodels.core import load_data #data = load_data('December/DEC07098.DAT') data = fake_data2D(np.linspace(-0.05, 0.05, 128)) set_beam_stop(data, 0.004) if Ngpu > 0: gpumodel = opencl_model(gpuname, dtype='single') model = BumpsModel(data, gpumodel, **gpupars) toc = tic() for i in range(Ngpu): #pars['scale'] = np.random.rand() model.update() gpu = model.theory() gpu_time = toc()*1000./Ngpu print "ocl t=%.1f ms"%gpu_time #print max(gpu), min(gpu) if 0 and Ncpu > 0: # Hack to compare ctypes vs. opencl dllmodel = dll_model(gpuname) model = BumpsModel(data, dllmodel, **gpupars) toc = tic() for i in range(Ncpu): model.update() cpu = model.theory() cpu_time = toc()*1000./Ncpu print "dll t=%.1f ms"%cpu_time elif 1: # Hack to check new vs old for GpuCylinder from Models.code_cylinder_f import GpuCylinder as oldgpu from sasmodel import SasModel oldmodel = SasModel(data, oldgpu, dtype='single', **cpupars) toc = tic() for i in range(Ngpu): oldmodel.update() cpu = oldmodel.theory() cpu_time = toc()*1000./Ngpu print "old t=%.1f ms"%cpu_time elif Ncpu > 0: cpumodel = sasview_model(cpuname, **cpupars) toc = tic() for i in range(Ncpu): cpu = cpumodel.evalDistribution([data.qx_data, data.qy_data]) cpu_time = toc()*1000./Ncpu print "sasview t=%.1f ms"%cpu_time if Ngpu > 0 and Ncpu > 0: print "gpu/cpu", max(abs(gpu/cpu)), "%.15g"%max(abs(gpu)), "%.15g"%max(abs(cpu)) #cpu *= max(gpu/cpu) abserr = (gpu - cpu) relerr = (gpu - cpu)/cpu print "max(|ocl-omp|)", max(abs(abserr[model.index])) print "max(|(ocl-omp)/ocl|)", max(abs(relerr[model.index])) #return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if Ncpu > 0: if Ngpu > 0: plt.subplot(131) plot_data(data, cpu) plt.title("omp t=%.1f ms"%cpu_time) if Ngpu > 0: if Ncpu > 0: plt.subplot(132) plot_data(data, gpu) plt.title("ocl t=%.1f ms"%gpu_time) if Ncpu > 0 and Ngpu > 0: plt.subplot(133) plot_data(data, 1e8*relerr) plt.title("max rel err = %.3g"%max(abs(relerr))) plt.colorbar() plt.show() def rename(pars, **names): newpars = pars.copy() for new,old in names.items(): for variant in ("", "_pd", "_pd_n", "_pd_nsigma"): if old+variant in newpars: newpars[new+variant] = pars[old+variant] del newpars[old+variant] return newpars def rescale_sld(pars, names): newpars = pars.copy() for p in names: newpars[p] *= 1e6 return newpars # =========================================================================== # MODELS = {} def model(name): def gather_function(fn): MODELS[name] = fn return fn return gather_function USAGE=""" usage: compare model [Nopencl] [Nsasview] Compare the speed and value for a model between the SasView original and the OpenCL rewrite. * Nopencl is the number of times to run the OpenCL model (default=5) * Nsasview is the number of times to run the Sasview model (default=1) * model is the name of the model to compare: %s """ def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: models = "\n ".join("%-7s: %s"%(k,v.__name__.replace('_',' ')) for k,v in sorted(MODELS.items())) print(USAGE%models) sys.exit(1) cpuname, cpupars, gpuname, gpupars = MODELS[sys.argv[1]]() Nopencl = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 5 Nsasview = int(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3 else 1 compare(Nsasview, cpuname, cpupars, Nopencl, gpuname, gpupars) @model('cyl') def cylinder(): cpupars = dict( scale=.003, background=.1, sldCyl=.291e-6, sldSolv=5.77e-6, radius=264.1, length=66.96, cyl_theta=85, cyl_phi=0, radius_pd=0.1, radius_pd_n=10, radius_pd_nsigma=3, length_pd=0.1,length_pd_n=1, length_pd_nsigma=3, cyl_theta_pd=45, cyl_theta_pd_n=50, cyl_theta_pd_nsigma=3, cyl_phi_pd=0.1, cyl_phi_pd_n=5, cyl_phi_pd_nsigma=3, ) cpuname = 'Cylinder' gpupars = rename(cpupars, theta='cyl_theta', phi='cyl_phi', sld='sldCyl', solvent_sld='sldSolv') gpupars = rescale_sld(gpupars, ['sld', 'solvent_sld']) gpuname = 'cylinder' return cpuname, cpupars, gpuname, gpupars @model('ell') def ellipse(): pars = dict( scale=.027, background=4.9, sldEll=.297e-6, sldSolv=5.773e-6, radius_a=60, radius_b=180, axis_theta=0, axis_phi=90, radius_a_pd=0.1, radius_a_pd_n=10, radius_a_pd_nsigma=3, radius_b_pd=0.1, radius_b_pd_n=10, radius_b_pd_nsigma=3, axis_theta_pd=0.1, axis_theta_pd_n=6, axis_theta_pd_nsigma=3, axis_phi_pd=0.1, axis_phi_pd_n=6, axis_phi_pd_nsigma=3, ) from Models.code_ellipse import GpuEllipse as gpumodel model = sasview_model('Ellipsoid', **pars) pars = rename(pars, theta='axis_theta', phi='axis_phi', sld='sldEll', solvent_sld='sldSolv') pars = rescale_sld(pars, ['sld', 'solvent_sld']) return model, gpumodel, pars @model('cscyl') def core_shell_cylinder(N=1): pars = dict( scale= 1.77881e-06, background=223.827, core_sld=1e-6, shell_sld=.291e-6, solvent_sld=7.105e-6, radius=325, thickness=25, length=34.2709, axis_theta=90, axis_phi=0, radius_pd=0.1, radius_pd_n=10, radius_pd_nsigma=3, length_pd=0.1, length_pd_n=10, length_pd_nsigma=3, thickness_pd=0.1, thickness_pd_n=5, thickness_pd_nsigma=3, axis_theta_pd=15.8, axis_theta_pd_n=20, axis_theta_pd_nsigma=5, axis_phi_pd=0.0008748, axis_phi_pd_n=5, axis_phi_pd_nsigma=3, ) model = sasview_model('CoreShellCylinder', **pars) from Models.code_coreshellcyl_f import GpuCoreShellCylinder as gpumodel pars = rename(pars, theta='axis_theta', phi='axis_phi') pars = rescale_sld(pars, ['core_sld', 'shell_sld', 'solvent_sld']) return model, gpumodel, pars @model('ell3') def triaxial_ellipse(N=1): pars = dict( scale=0.08, background=5, sldEll=7.105e-6, sldSolv=.291e-6, axis_theta=0, axis_phi=0, axis_psi=0, semi_axisA=15, semi_axisB=20, semi_axisC=500, axis_theta_pd=20, axis_theta_pd_n=10, axis_theta_pd_nsigma=3, axis_phi_pd=.1, axis_phi_pd_n=10, axis_phi_pd_nsigma=3, axis_psi_pd=30, axis_psi_pd_n=5, axis_psi_pd_nsigma=3, semi_axisA_pd=.1, semi_axisA_pd_n=5, semi_axisA_pd_nsigma=3, semi_axisB_pd=.1, semi_axisB_pd_n=5, semi_axisB_pd_nsigma=3, semi_axisC_pd=.1, semi_axisC_pd_n=5, semi_axisC_pd_nsigma=3, ) model = sasview_model('TriaxialEllipsoid', **pars) from Models.code_triaxialellipse import GpuTriEllipse as gpumodel pars = rename(pars, theta='axis_theta', phi='axis_phi', psi='axis_psi', sld='sldEll', solvent_sld='sldSolv', radius_a='semi_axisA', radius_b='semi_axisB', radius_c='semi_axisC', ) pars = rescale_sld(pars, ['sld', 'solvent_sld']) return model, gpumodel, pars @model('lam') def lamellar(N=1): pars = dict( scale=0.08, background=0.003, sld_bi=5.38e-6,sld_sol=7.105e-6, bi_thick=19.2946, bi_thick_pd= 0.37765, bi_thick_pd_n=40, bi_thick_pd_nsigma=3, ) model = sasview_model('Lamellar', **pars) from Models.code_lamellar import GpuLamellar as gpumodel pars = rename(pars, sld='sld_bi', solvent_sld='sld_sol', thickness='bi_thick') pars = rescale_sld(pars, ['sld', 'solvent_sld']) return model, gpumodel, pars @model('capcyl') def capped_cylinder(N=1): pars = dict( scale=.08, background=0, sld_capcyl=1e-6, sld_solv=6.3e-6, rad_cyl=20, rad_cap=40, len_cyl=400, theta=0, phi=0, rad_cyl_pd=.1, rad_cyl_pd_n=10, rad_cyl_pd_nsigma=3, rad_cap_pd=.1, rad_cap_pd_n=10, rad_cap_pd_nsigma=3, len_cyl_pd=.1, len_cyl_pd_n=3, len_cyl_pd_nsigma=3, theta_pd=.1, theta_pd_n=3, theta_pd_nsigma=3, phi_pd=.1, phi_pd_n=3, phi_pd_nsigma=3, ) model = sasview_model('CappedCylinder', **pars) from Models.code_capcyl import GpuCapCylinder as gpumodel pars = rename(pars, sld='sld_capcyl', solvent_sld='sld_solv', length='len_cyl', radius='rad_cyl', cap_radius='rad_cap') pars = rescale_sld(pars, ['sld', 'solvent_sld']) return model, gpumodel, pars if __name__ == "__main__": main()