#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import pyopencl as cl from weights import GaussianDispersion from sasmodel import card def set_precision(src, qx, qy, dtype): qx = np.ascontiguousarray(qx, dtype=dtype) qy = np.ascontiguousarray(qy, dtype=dtype) if np.dtype(dtype) == np.dtype('float32'): header = """\ #define real float """ else: header = """\ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: enable #define real double """ return header+src, qx, qy class GpuEllipse(object): PARS = { 'scale':1, 'radius_a':1, 'radius_b':1, 'sldEll':1e-6, 'sldSolv':0, 'background':0, 'axis_theta':0, 'axis_phi':0, } PD_PARS = ['radius_a', 'radius_b', 'axis_theta', 'axis_phi'] def __init__(self, qx, qy, dtype='float32'): ctx,_queue = card() src, qx, qy = set_precision(open('Kernel/Kernel-Ellipse.cpp').read(), qx, qy, dtype=dtype) self.prg = cl.Program(ctx, src).build() self.qx, self.qy = qx, qy #buffers mf = cl.mem_flags self.qx_b = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.qx) self.qy_b = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.qy) self.res_b = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY, qx.nbytes) self.res = np.empty_like(self.qx) def eval(self, pars): #b_n = radius_b # want, a_n = radius_a # want, etc _ctx,queue = card() radius_a, radius_b, axis_theta, axis_phi = \ [GaussianDispersion(int(pars[base+'_pd_n']), pars[base+'_pd'], pars[base+'_pd_nsigma']) for base in GpuEllipse.PD_PARS] radius_a.value, radius_a.weight = radius_a.get_weights(pars['radius_a'], 0, 10000, True) radius_b.value, radius_b.weight = radius_b.get_weights(pars['radius_b'], 0, 10000, True) axis_theta.value, axis_theta.weight = axis_theta.get_weights(pars['axis_theta'], -90, 180, False) axis_phi.value, axis_phi.weight = axis_phi.get_weights(pars['axis_phi'], -90, 180, False) #Perform the computation, with all weight points sum, norm, norm_vol, vol = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 size = len(axis_theta.weight) sub = pars['sldEll'] - pars['sldSolv'] real = np.float32 if self.qx.dtype == np.dtype('float32') else np.float64 #Loop over radius weight points for i in xrange(len(radius_a.weight)): #Loop over length weight points for j in xrange(len(radius_b.weight)): #Average over theta distribution for k in xrange(len(axis_theta.weight)): #Average over phi distribution for l in xrange(len(axis_phi.weight)): #call the kernel self.prg.EllipsoidKernel(queue, self.qx.shape, None, real(radius_a.weight[i]), real(radius_b.weight[j]), real(axis_theta.weight[k]), real(axis_phi.weight[l]), real(pars['scale']), real(radius_a.value[i]), real(radius_b.value[j]), real(sub), real(axis_theta.value[k]), real(axis_phi.value[l]), self.qx_b, self.qy_b, self.res_b, np.uint32(self.qx.size), np.uint32(len(axis_theta.weight))) #copy result back from buffer cl.enqueue_copy(queue, self.res, self.res_b) sum += self.res vol += radius_a.weight[i]*radius_b.weight[j]*pow(radius_b.value[j], 2)*radius_a.value[i] norm_vol += radius_a.weight[i]*radius_b.weight[j] norm += radius_a.weight[i]*radius_b.weight[j]*axis_theta.weight[k]*axis_phi.weight[l] # Averaging in theta needs an extra normalization # factor to account for the sin(theta) term in the # integration (see documentation). # if size > 1: # norm /= math.asin(1.0) if vol != 0.0 and norm_vol != 0.0: sum *= norm_vol/vol return sum/norm+pars['background'] def demo(): from time import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #create qx and qy evenly spaces qx = np.linspace(-.02, .02, 128) qy = np.linspace(-.02, .02, 128) qx, qy = np.meshgrid(qx, qy) #saved shape of qx r_shape = qx.shape #reshape for calculation; resize as float32 qx = qx.flatten() qy = qy.flatten() #int main pars = EllipsoidParameters(.027, 60, 180, .297e-6, 5.773e-06, 4.9, 0, 90) t = time() result = GpuEllipse(qx, qy) result.x = result.ellipsoid_fit(qx, qy, pars, b_n=35, t_n=35, a_n=1, p_n=1, sigma=3, b_w=.1, t_w=.1, a_w=.1, p_w=.1) result.x = np.reshape(result.x, r_shape) tt = time() print("Time taken: %f" % (tt - t)) plt.pcolormesh(result.x) plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": demo()